
发布 2022-08-03 08:21:28 阅读 9160




1.她是班里最好的学生之一。shein her class

2. 他时常和父母一起去钓鱼。he often fishing with his parents

3. 他曾经不是一个开朗的孩子hebe an outing child.

4. 要想成功你需要有很好的天赋并且付出艰辛的劳动。

you require a lot of talent and hard work

5. 不要担心你的女儿。她现在很安全。don’tyour daughter. she’s safe now.

6. 你能够告诉我在**可以买到这本杂志吗?

could you tell mebuy the magazine?

7. 如果你努力学习,你会在考试中取得好的分数。

if you work hard, youon your exams .

8. 仅有少部分同学能够算出这道数学题。 onlystudents can work out the problem

9. 张杰敢告诉他妈妈考试结果吗?

does zhang jiethe exam re4sult to hia mother?

10. 他习惯与早上吃一个鸡蛋hean egg in the morning

11. 周末与朋友外出闲逛是一种放松的好方法。

friends on weekend is a good way to relax myself.

12.如果你不给他说实话,他就会捉弄你。if you don’t tell him the truth, he willyou.

13 你开车时记得注意路标。 remember tothe road signs when yo are driving.

14. 仅有少量的学生做到了极限。only a small number of students

15. 许多次我都想到放弃,但是我还是坚持了下来。

many time i thought aboutbut i fought on.

二、 选词填空。选择单词或词组,用其恰当的形式填空,使句子意思通顺、完整。(共计10分)

1 he was very tired, so hedown and had a rest.

2 he is awriter. his books are very fun ny.

3 mum oftenthat i should go to bed at 9 every night.

enjoy collectingbecause it’s interesting.

order to make all the answerstom checked them three times.

6 could you please keepfor a while? the baby is sleeping in the next room

7 to my surprise, over half of the studentsthe test last week.

8 mike can’t find a job so he has tohis parents.

9. it’sto talk with mouth full.

worked hard, but hethe physics exam.

三、 单项选择(共计15分)

)1.--do you know __man with black hairyes he is my f**orite movie star.

a a b an c. /d the

)2. i used toin the morning, but now i’m used to __before going to bed.

a read; reading b read; read c reading; reading d reading; read

)3. dad, do not___me like a child. i’m already 16 years old and i can make my own decision.

a. treat b. admire c. punish d. believe

)4. i don’t know how to __these problems. can you give me some advice?

a do b do with c deal d deal with

)5. zhang rong likes playing volleyball a lot and she is __the school volleyball team.

a. from b. on c. at

)6. linda thinks __conversations with friends in english is really helpful.

a. h**ing b. has c. to h**ing d. h**e

)7. the number of books in the bookshop __about 10,000 and a number of

them about science.

a、is ,are b、was ,were c、are,is d、were,was

)8 --you did a good job, lu yu! you got the highest __in the maths exam.

really? i’m so excited.

a, speed b. voice c. score d. record

)9.--where is xiong guanggang?

maybe on the playground. i saw himbasketball there just now.

b. plays play d. playing

)10.--it’s too hot today! what about going swimming this afternoon?

an important exam next week. i must study for it.

a will h**e b will be c is d has

)11. the girl didn’t dare out at night .

a、goingb、to go c、 go d、goes

)12. it has been three years __li honghaso went into senior high school.

b. ifc. when

)13 living next to the supermarket is veryyou can go shopping at any time.

a confident b patient c convenient d difficult

)14. eric put an alarm clock __his bed so that he could get up early the next morning.


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