冀教八年级下Unit2 随堂练

发布 2022-12-23 02:50:28 阅读 2133

lesson 7

i. 根据句意及所给提示,补全单词或用单词、固定短语、固定搭配的适当形式填空。

1. jenny, your hands are too dyou must wash them.

2. in winter, the snow often覆盖) the mountain village.

3. be careful! there is a big洞,坑) in the ground.

4. the police found an old ship at the底部) of the sea.

5. bill’s bedroom is muchlarge) than mine.

6. this story happened in a small city innorth) china in 1997.

7. last year, there were some沙尘暴) in the north of the country.

8顺便问一下), is there a bank near here?

yes, it’s not very far from our school.

ii. 根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。

1. 那歌声既甜美又动听。整个房间充满了欢乐。

the song was sweet and beautiful and the roomjoy.

2. 这个房间足够大,能容纳三百人。

this room ishold three hundred people.

3. 这本书肯定是李明的。上面有他的名字。

this bookli ming’s. it has his name on it.

4. 在阳光下,杯子里的冰会很快变成水。

in the sun, the ice in the glasswater quickly.

5. 没有知识,我们就不能使我们国家更加强大。

without knowledge, we can notour country much

6. 我认为他住在那里,但是,我不敢肯定。

i think he lives there but i can’t say

7. 当你离开房间的时候记得关灯。

when you le**e the room, rememberthe lights.

8. 学会与他人沟通很重要。

it isto communicate with others.

lesson 8

i. 根据句意,用所给单词或短语的适当形式填空。(每词或短语只限使用一次)

1. when we sit in theof the tree, we will feel cooler in hot summer.

2. listening is one of the fourskills of english learning.

3. he told us a story and it made all of us

4. bread and noodlesflour (面粉).

5. trees can helpair, so we need them.

ii. 根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。

1. 植物能够从太阳获得能量。

plants canthe sun.

2. 总之,我们必须尽最大努力做这项工作。

we must try our best to do the work.

3. 我们需要几个男孩来把这些桌子抬走。

we need some boys tothese tables

4. 早起享受清新空气令人愉快。

it’searly and enjoy the fresh air.

lesson 9

i. 根据句意及所给提示,补全单词或用单词、固定短语、固定搭配的适当形式填空。

1. —which tv cdo you like best, danny?

i love watching films best, so cctv-6 is my f**ourite.

2. mary is a goodgarden). she grows many beautiful flowers every year.

3. can you tell me the best waylearn) english?

4. did you h**e funwork) on the farm yesterday?

5. you can登录) my website and ask me questions.

6. there are各种各样的花) on the flower show.

ii. 根据句意,用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。

1. everybodythe question and all of ourwere right.

2. theydifferent kinds ofin their garden every year.

3. you needn’tthis flower too often. it doesn’t need much

4. i willyou how to make dumplings on the tv

iii. 连词成句。


1. an, hobby, is, gardening, enjoyable

2. you, program, ever, watched, h**e, gardening, a, about

3. flower, of, what, best, kind, like, you, do

4. the, when, vegetables, to, is, best, plant, time

5. you, she, about, will, flowers, tell, f**ourite, her

lesson 10

i. 根据句意及汉语提示补全单词。

1. i think you should考虑) the problem carefully.

2. the students are going to h**e a测试) next week.

3. there is little rain this year, so the land is getting very干旱的).

4. it’s important for most plants to get enough阳光).

5. what is the main目的) of your visit to china?

ii. 根据句意,用所给单词的正确形式填空。

1. we decidego) on a trip to the countryside this weekend.

2. let’s beginwork) on the english project now.

3. we needwater) the young plants every day.

4. please tryfinish) your report in two days, or you’ll h**e no chance to take part in the competition.

iii. 根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。


uint 2 plant a plant 一 词汇复习。的一半照顾。使用 做在 之间。来自由 制成。许多,大量用 装满。被 装满用 覆盖。变成在阳光下。看起来像从 到。二 知识点大汇总。1 already 已经 和yet 还,仍 在现在完成时态中的用法。already用于肯定句句中,位于助动之和行为...


unit 2 my f ourite school subject.lesson 7 don t be late for class 一 呈现目标,明确任务。1.掌握单词 subject,art,paint,sometime,future,watch 2.句型 i h e painted six p...


一 单词。1.不让。进入2.3.争论4.错误的。5.怎么了6.风格。7.不时髦的8.可以。9.打 给10.票。11.使惊奇12.用 交谈。13.怎么了14.付。账。15.兼职工作16.好的。17.同样的 不18.烤。19.面包或糕饼的售卖活动20.青少年论坛。21.家庭教师22.新颖的。23.与。同...