
发布 2022-12-23 02:43:28 阅读 7356

2023年新人教版八年级(上)unit 2 how often do you exercise?

section a



1 .在周末2. 去看电影3. 去购物。

4. 每天5. 每星期三四次6. 每月两次。

7. 帮忙做家务8. 钢琴课9. 动物世界。



should sleep至少)eight hours.

12. your sweater is beautiful. i wantbuy) one, too.

13. his mother alwayshelp) him with his homework.

14. he spends more than an hour锻炼)every day.

15. after the accident, she could几乎不)speak.


21. mary does some __shop) on sundays.

22. mike goes to see his grandparentsone) a week.

23. he didn’t go to school. he couldhard) read or write.

24. sheexercise) every day to keep healthy.

25 .how manytime) h**e you been to beijing?


26. 一i can’t find my cds. 一___you put them in that bag.

a. mustb. may be c. maybed. may

27. peter is my best friend. he often helps __with science.

a. meb. youc. himd. her

28. 一what about___a rest? 一ok! let’s go for a walk.

h**eb. hadc. h**ed. h**ing

29. 一sally, how often do you use the internet ? 一。

a. twice a week b three hours c. two years ago d. this afternoon

30. 一zhang lili , the most beautiful teacher”, has moved us deeply.

一yes, and she ispopular with her students.

a. sometimes b. neverc. alwaysd. hardly

31. 一___do you visit your grand- parents? 一once a month.

soon b. how long c. how much d. how often

32. 一do you watch tv every week? 一less than two hours. i often h**e much homework to do.

a. how many b. how much c. how long d. how often

33. tom studies __he __plays with his friends.

a. hard; hard b. hardly; hardly c. hard;hardly d. hardly; hard

34. one of my f**orite programs __animal world.

a. amb. isc. ared. don’t

35. 一h**e you ever been to disneyland?

一noi hope i can go there next year.

a. alwaysb. sometimes c. never d. often


41. 一多久一次)does your brother exercise? 一every day.

42. 一what program are you___看)? 一animal world.

43. they go to the movies一月一次).

44. my brother likes playing computer games very much, so he often使用互联网)

45. outlook english, my f**orite节目).



always, every day, often, sometimes, never, hardly ever

46. hegets up at six o’clock.

47. how __do you go to the movies?

48. itrains here. it’s usually sunny and warm.

49. some of my friends exercise every day and hardly ever eat junk food,but the others eat junk food

50. 1 can’t swim. so igo to the beach to swim.

sometimes i go there with my friends to run.

section b &self check础巩固练。


一) 基本词汇(英汉互译形式)

l.杂志2.身体3.头脑,心智4. however

5.最少6 .dentist7 .online8 .point

9 .die10.咖啡。


11. 垃圾食品12. such as13. 多于14. less than15. 对……有好处16. 百分之四十17.一点也不。

18. three or four times a week19. 不到六小时20. 许多好习惯。








26. to keep healthy, i decideexercise) half an hour every day.

27. it’5 a good habit to brush your __牙齿)every day.

28. don’t give up尽管) some of the exam questlons are not easy to answer.

29. we do lots of outdooractive)when spring comes.

30. more than thirty percent 0fthe water in the world___be)polluted.


36. 一the museum isn’t far from not go there by一ok. and it’s good for our health.

a. bikeb. the bikec. your biked. bikes

dada iawyer when 1 grow up .

me me to


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