
发布 2022-12-21 18:41:28 阅读 7123


一·词汇。with sb.同意某人的意见。

1)i agree __him . a. to b. on d. of (2) peter同意) her .

no shoes = without shoes 没有穿鞋子。

1)a poor girl was walking on the streets __no shoes . a. on b. in c .with d. at

2)he went to school __breakfast this morning , later he felt hungry .

a low voice 低声地。

1)my grandma told me a story __a low voice .a. at b. of d. in

2)he said goodbye to us他低声地向我们告别).

afraid of (doing) sth. =be afraid to do sth. 害怕做某事。

(1) she is afraid __dark. a. to b.

at c. in d. of (2) jane is afraid of being late for school .

=janelate for school .


1)the girl lit three matches .then she lit afour) one . 2) peter was very hungry .

he ate five pieces of bread. then he ate asix) piece (然后又吃了一个)。

特指某天。1)__the morning of the new year everyone were very happy . a.

in b. at c. on d.


(2)the poor girl died __a cold morning . a. in b. at c. on d. with


1)class two is going to play __class one . 2) the poor girl was lyingthe wall .

doing sth. 停止做某事

1)when our teacher came in , we all stoptalk) .

9. make sb. do sth.使某人做某事。

1)our english teacher is very funny . she makes uslaugh).

二·句型。the line,please.请别挂**。/hold on,please请稍等! /wait a moment, please请等一会儿!

1)a:hello!this is a speaking . may i speak to c ? bplease ! c is cooking .

11.(1)过去进行时与过去某时刻at this time yesterday,at that time last night , when +过去动作等,连用。(2)过去进行时与过去某段时间from ··to···last sunday等,连用。

1)i __tv at this time last night . a. is watching watching c.

watched d. watch (2) jane __

___play) the piano at that time yesterday . 3). theyenglish from 8:

00-9:30 yesterday morning 他们昨天早上八点至九点半在读英语。(4).

my mother was doing some cleaning at this time yesterday .(改一般疑问句并作回答)__your mothercleaning at this time yesterday ? yesno改否定句)my mothercleaning at this time yesterday .

5) i was washing clothes at that time last sunday .(划线提问youat that time last

sunday ? 6) aat this time yesterday ? b:

we were skating .(7)maria listened to music yesterday . 用from 7:

oo-7:30 last night替换)mariato music from 7:00-7:

30 last night .


1)isn`t it interesting是),i __think so 我认为不是这样的。 (2)do you like eating noodles ?(改否定句并回答)__youeating noodles不),i do .

13 .too+ adj.(adv.

)+to do sth .(太···不能做)/ so +adj.(adv.

)+that (如此···以至于)/adj.(adv.)+enough to do sth.


1)the little boy isn`t old enough to go to school . the little boy is __younggo to school .=the little boy ishe can`t go to school .

14.人+spend some time(money) on sth. /人+spend some time(money) (in) doing sth.

/人+pay some money(time) for sth. /it takes sb. some time(money) to do sth.

/事物+costs sb. some money.做某事花某人多少时间或者金钱。

1页。1)he spent one week __the work . a.

for b. on d. to (2) she __much time for her clothes .

b. takes d. spends (3) he spent some money buying the book . he __some money __

the book .=it took him some moneythe book .=the book __him some money .


词语。15. 回答(v16.端上(饭菜) 17.新闻18.博物馆19.鸭子。



30.死的31.然而32.解决(问题) 33.工厂

词组。34. 苏醒35.从(身边)经过36.降落;倒塌

四·用small,also,make, but, red , they , hundred , boil , good , if , stay , from 填空。

when you are healthy and strong , you will feel full of energy(精力) .when you are ill , you must be unhappy because you don`t feel 37you don`t want to work or go to school , only want to 38.__in bed .

what 39us ill ? they are germs(病菌). germs are here and there .

they are very 40and you can`t

find them with your eyes , but you can see them with a microscope (显微镜) .there could be 41.__of them on a very small thing .


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