
发布 2022-12-21 17:38:28 阅读 2363










1、we will h**e a new sphisics this term.

2、i a with what you said about this problem;

3、please make some sentences with the底下的)words;

4、miss wang is very有耐心的),her students like her very much.

5、mary’s mother is a图书管理员)in our school library.


1、mary likes playing basketball,and i like playing piano.

ab: the the c: /the d: the; /

2、-to go to a university, we should work hard.

-i agree you.

a: on b: at c:with d: in

3、-what’s your f**ourite fruit,tim?

-i like best.

a: lemons b: pancakes c: physics d: tourists

4、-may i use your dictionary , tim?

-sorry, i it to my friend last week.

a: lend b: lent c: will lend d:h**e lent

5、we all went to beijing lin tao, he went on a trip to hainan.

a: along b: above c: except d:with

6、mr lin often us to do more exercises , it’s good for health.

a: agrees b: discusses c: hates d:advises

7、judy isn’t good at geography, i’m not good at it ,

a: too b: also c: either d:both

8. my parents encouraged me about someting in a new way.

a:think b: thought c: to think d:to thinking

9. the plane didn’t arrive at 4:30pm, the snow was too he**y.

a:so b: because c:however d:but

10. hurry up, our meeting will begin two minutes

a:in b: for c:at d:on

11. we a lot of places of interest since monday

a:will visit b: visited c:h**e visited d:are visiting

12. -what festival is on the second monday of may?

a:mother’s day b: national day

c:children’s day d:teacher’s day

13. the students spent two hours their new subject.

a:discuss b: discussed c:discussing d:discusses

14. linda a cough for a week, she has to rest at home.

a:had b: will h**e c:is h**ing d:has had

15. ,li feng?

it’s 7:50,the movie will start at 8:00.

a:what day is it today b: what’s the date today

c:what time is it d:what’s the temperature

16.-what subject do you like best,judy?,i can learn about famous mountains and rivers.

a:geography b: music c:english d:history

these your runners,litao?

-no, are white, maybe they’re jenny’s.

a:i b: my c:mine d:me

18. the old man is very ,he doesn’t h**e enough money to buy food.

a:patient b: happy c:active d:poor

19. this yellow dress made the woman younger.

a:look b: to look c:looked d:looking

20. my sister is much at painting than me.

a:good b: well c:better d:best

21. your story me of my grandfather,i h**en’t seen him for two years.

a:discusses b: reminds c:surpises d:forgets

22. -where’s your brother,mary?

-i saw him the gym just now

a:to rush iinto b: rushes into c:rushed into d:rush into

23. mike the book for two weeks ,he will return it next week.

a:kept b: has kept c:borrowed d:has borrowed

24. i h**e two sisters, one is a doctor and is a teacher.

a:another b: other c:the other d:others


1. she went to the cinema with her brother last weekend(对划线部分提问)

2. we had fun at the party last night.(改为一般疑问句)

3. liming has finished his chart(改为否定句)

4. his pet dog died two years ago(改为同义句)

5. jenny’s mother has been ill since three days ago(改为同义句)


1. 爸爸经常鼓励我大声唱歌。

my father oftenmealoud.

2. 李明经常帮助我的物理。

li ming often me with my

3. 我已经读过这本书了。

ithis book

4. 我最喜欢的科目是艺术。

myis art.

5. 他在电脑游戏上花了很多时间。

he more time computer games.


1. we ran out of the roomimmediate)when the fire happened

2. the students had adiscuss)about how to learn english well

3. it is very hot in manysouth)cities in summer.

4. may i h**e theplease)of seeing you again?


2013年秋季期八年级语文月考 一 检测试卷。命题人 丘雁飞考试时间 150分钟满分 120分。一 识字写字 口语交际与综合性学习 17分 1 下列各组词语中加点的字读音有误的一项是 3分 a 单于 ch n 谛听 d 娴熟 xi n 瞬息万变 sh n b 恬静 ti n 安谧 m 砭骨 bi n...


永吉二十五中2011 2012学年度第一学期。八年级月考英语试卷。注意 本试卷所有答案均填写在相应的答题卡内,填写在试卷上无效。一 根据句意及首字母或音标提示填空,使句子意思完整。10分 1.eating too much junk food is bad for your h 2.he usual...


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