八年级英语 下 月考试卷

发布 2022-12-21 17:39:28 阅读 6145


满分:150分时间:120分钟 )



1.步行去公园2. 19世纪80年代期间___

3. 禁止游泳4. 电视节目 __

5. 当然6. 给她捎个信___

7. read novels8. look it up in the book __

9. succeed(反义词10. mice(单数形式。

11.look after(同义词组过去分词。


13. you’d b study hard.

14. it is dto swim in the river.

15. f , you should put on flying donuts.

16. don’t s at the boys. they are asleep.

17. wto the internet.

18. he hasn’t finished his composition y .


19. the bike needs (repair).

20. the man in black coat is fromenglish).

21. the teacher told us that the sunrise) in the east.

22. i’m glad (meet) you.


23. either jim or tom hard.

a. work b. working c. to work d. works

24. it eleven hours to fly from canada to china today.

a. spends b. take c. costs d. takes

25. what do you mean the word?

a. in b. from c. on d. by

26. what aboutsoccer?

a. play b. to play c. plays d. playing

27. you a worker.

a. maybe b. may be c. could d. would

28. this bike is too small. give me big one.

a. the other b. another c. other d. others

29. what do you usually dothe internet?

a. in b. to c. at d. on

30. how do you send e-mail?

a. a b. an c. the d. /

31. tom with his parents oftenshopping on sundays.

a. goes b. went c. go d. h**e been to

32. everyone the old man.

a. knowing b. knows c. to know d. knew

33. let's about the movie.

a. tell b. talk c. say d. speak

34. he needs a rest.

a. had b. has c. to h**e d. h**e

35. he won’t be backtwelve o’ clock.

a at b till c tod from

36 .the road is covered snow.

a with b on c atd in

37. i feel like to the cinema.

a went b goes c go d going


38. he has few books. (改为反意疑问句 )

he has few books

39. you’d better come here earlier. (改为反意疑问句 )

you’d better come here earlier

40. tom also went to the meeting. (改为否定句 )

tomto the meeting

41. h**e fun! (改为同义句 )

42. i usually call him once a day.(就划线部分提问 )

you usually call him ?

43. tom sits on my desk.(改为否定祈使句 )

ondesk, tom.

44. we h**e no more seen our teachers. (改为同义句 )

weseen our teachers


a: what are you doing, linda?

b: 45

a: an experiment? what is it about?

b: a theory about air pressure. i fill a jar with water.

i cover the top with a piece of cardboard. then, i turn the jar upside down. 46

a: i think we can’t do it inside. i’m sure that the floor will get wet.

b: no, 47

a: why? the water won’t stay in the jar.

b: 48 .

a: great! 49 .


mother’s day is celebrated in the it’s also a holiday in some other countries. it is on the second sunday in may. it is a day to 50 mothers.

on that day mothers usually 51 flowers and cards. on the cards, children will write “thanks, mom, ”to the best mother 52 , best 53 for mother’s day ” and so on.

where does the idea for the holiday 54 ? we should thank miss anna m. jarvis.

she brought up the idea of h**ing such a day. she lived in west virginia. her mother 55 on may 9, 1905.

she had a deep love to her mother. she 56 letters to some important persons. in her letters she asked them to decide a day for 57 mothers.

then mother’s day was made on the second sunday in may by the in 1913.


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