
发布 2022-12-21 07:37:28 阅读 8677


1. twice adv. 两次;两倍

当提问twice时,用疑问词how many times(多少次),但不能用how often 提问。

we h**e chinese twice a day on friday. 周五我们一天上两节语文课。

拓展】once表示“一次”;twice表示“两次”,从“三次”起用“基数词+times”表示次数。如:three times 三次;five times 五次。

考题链接】we visit the home for the elderly两次)a month.


2. full adj. 忙的;满的;充满的

常用短语为be full of …,意为“充满……”反义词是empty,意为“空的”。

the bus is full of people. 公共汽车里挤满了人。

拓展】full adj. 吃饱的;过饱的,其反义词是hungry,意为“饥饿的”。

are you hungry or full? 你是饿还是饱了?

考题链接】there is a glass on the table. it’s fullwater.

a. with b. in c. of d. at

答案:c思路分析:本题考查full的用法。be full of意为“充满……”故用介词of。句意为“桌子上有一个玻璃杯。它装满了水”。

3. maybe adv. 或许;大概;可能。


maybe that man is a policeman. 或许那人是警察。

辨析】maybe 和may be

考题链接】the boy may be his brother. (同义句转换)

the boyhis brother.

答案:maybe; is

4. health n. 健康;人的身体(或精神)状态。


i think health is more important than money. 我认为健康比金钱更重要。

拓展】be in good/poor health 身体状况好/ 不好。

healthy adj. 健康的。

unhealthy adj. 不健康的。

my grandparents are both in good health. 我祖父母的身体都很好。

we should eat healthy food. 我们应当吃健康的食物。

考题链接】cola isand it’s not good for your

a. healthy; healthb. unhealthy; healthy

c. unhealthy; health d. health; health


5. die v. 消失;消灭;死亡


his grandfather died five years ago. 他祖父五年前去世的。


he is dying. 他快要死了。

拓展】dead 死的,是die的形容词形式。可作表语或定语。作表语时,表示状态。

death 死亡,是die的名词形式。

his dog has been dead for two weeks. 他的狗已死了两周了。

his mother’s death made him very sad. 他母亲的去世使他非常难过。

考题链接】did the bird

no, but it

a. die; dyingb. dead; death

c. die; is dying d. death; is dying


6. however adv. 然而;不过

表示转折。he said that it was so, however, he was wrong. 他说事情是这样的,然而他错了。

拓展】however adv. 无论如何;不管怎样,相当于no matter how。

however difficult it is, i want to h**e a try. =no matter how difficult it is, i want to h**e a try.




考题链接】those two girls are twinsthey look very different.

a. although b. but c. however d. because



1. at least 至少;不少于;起码。

其反义短语为:at most 至多。

at least he should say thanks. 他至少应该说声谢谢。

拓展】least adv. 最小;最少;adj.& pron. 最少的;最小的,是little的最高级。

he has least money of all of us. 在我们所有人中他的钱最少。

考题链接】there arethree thousand people in the park.

a. at first b. at last c. at least d. at the least


2. such as 例如;像……一样。

表示举例,相当于like。such as结构既可表现为“名词+such as+例子”,也可表现为“such+名词+as+例子”。

i like animals such as cats and dogs. 我喜欢像猫和狗这样的动物。

i enjoy songs such as this one. =i enjoy such songs as this one. 我喜欢像这首歌一样的歌。

拓展】such adj. &pron. 这样的;那样的;类似的,作形容词时,用来修饰名词。

tom lives in such a large house. 汤姆住在一所这么大的房子里。

考题链接】1. he knows five languagesenglish and japanese.

a. are like b. such as c. such like d. as such


2. can you believe that ina rich country there should bemany poor people?

a. such; such b. so; so c. such; so d. so; such

答案:c思路分析:a rich country意为“一个富有的国家”,用such修饰;many要用so修饰。句意为“你能相信在这么富有的一个国家里有如此多的穷人吗?”

3. more than 多于。

常用在数词之前,表示数量超过多少,同义词是over。其反义短语是:less than。

she sleeps more than/ over nine hours every day. 她每天睡觉达九个多小时。

考题链接】we stayed in the countryside forthan three weeks.

a. taller b. more c. better d. bigger

答案:b思路分析:three weeks意为“三周”;a项意为“更高的”;c项意为“更好的”;d项意为“更大的”,均不符合句意;more than three weeks意为“三周多”。


1. how often do you exercise? 你多久锻炼一次?

句析】本句是含有特殊疑问词how often 的特殊疑问句。

how often多久一次,用于对动作发生的频率进行提问。回答应是频率副词或表示频率的词组,如always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly, ever, never, every day, once, once a week, three times a day等。


一 重点单词。1.hard working adj.工作努力的 辛勤的 形容词,可作表语 定语。my brother is very hard working.我弟弟很勤勉。拓展 hard work 艰苦的工作,hard是形容词,work是不可数名词。work hard 努力工作,work是动词,h...


一 重点单词。1.cook n.厨师 v.烹饪 煮。作名词时,意为 厨师 cook作 烹饪 煮 讲时,可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。cook sb.sth.cook sth.for sb.给某人做饭。is your father a cook?你爸爸是一名厨师吗?she often cooks...


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