
发布 2022-12-20 18:05:28 阅读 2064

unit 3词语解释与延伸。

section a

v临时照顾babysit–babysitting -babysits–babysatbabysit=look after

1)–what’s she doing for vacation?-she’s babysitting her sister.假期她打算干什么?她打算照看她妹妹。

babysit用现在进行时表示将来发生的动作。向这样的词还有comegole**estartstayarrivevisitdoflyplan etc.

2)what are you doing for vacation?i’m le**ing for macao next week.


3)how long is he staying inshanghai? he’s staying there for two days.他将在上海呆多久啊?呆两天。

4)what’re your parents doingnext week?they’re visiting my grandparents.2.

campv宿营露宿go camping去宿营sports camp运动野营(1) whatare his parents doing for vacation?-they’re going sports camp.他的父母打算假期干什么?

他们将去运动野营。(2)-where are you goingthis sunday?–i’m going toqianshan- what are you doing there?

–i’m going camping.

这个星期天你打算去哪儿?我打算去千山。你去那干什么?我去野营。3. plan nv计划规划方案。

n计划方案(1)can you tell me your vacation plans?你能告诉我你的假期计划吗?(2)what a good plan it is!

多好的计划呀!v.计划*plan to do sth.


3) he plans to buy a t-shirt for his father.他计划给他父亲买一件t恤衫。(4)tony is planning to visit his friends in beijing.

托尼计划看望他北京的朋友。4.tibet**(1)i’m going to tibet for a week.我打算去**呆一周。

(2)mr. green is le**ing for tibet next month.格林先生打算下个月去**。

5.hikev徒步旅行远足go hiking去远足。

1)children plan to go hiking next sunday.孩子计划下周去远足。

2)-what’s the girl doing for vacation ? she ‘s going hiking in the mountains..这个女孩假期打算做什么?




1)–what’s jim doing for vacation? –he’s visiting his pen pal in hong kong.吉姆假期打算干什么?

他打算去香港看望他的笔友。(2)san francisco is a good place to visit .旧金山是参观的好地方。

3)surfing is one of the world’s most popular water spouts .it first started on theislandsof hawaii.


4)hawaii is famous for its beautiful beaches.夏威夷岛以它美丽的海滩而著称。向远处,离开beaway离开beawayfrom离开………是le**e的延续性动词。

1)表示距离his house is ten kilometers awayfrom school.他家离学校十公里远。(2)-how long were you away from school last year?

–for less than two weeks.去年你多久不在学校?不到两周。

8.get back拿回取回返回get back from从…拿回。

1)when did his father get back toshanghai ? last month.他父亲是什么时候返回上海的?上月。

2)when did hong kong get tochina ? in 1997.香港是何时回归祖国的?是2024年。

3)i’ll get back my bat from tom’s housethis afternoon.今天下午我将去汤姆家拿回我的球拍。9.


send sb. sh.送给某人某物(1) his friend often sends him e-mails on the internet.

他的朋友在网上常给他发电子邮件。(2)i’ll send a gift to her on the thirteenth birthday.在她的第十三个生日将送给她一个礼物。

* send sb. to sp. =take sb.

to sp.送某人去某地。

3)the boys sent the man on the motorbike to the hospital yesterday.

昨天这几个男孩把骑摩托车的人送到了医院。*send for某人去请。

4) one dayhis mother was ill in bed , so she sent for a doctor..一天他的母亲卧病在床,所以他派人去请了医生。

send up发射(4)when did china send up its first man–made satellite ?中国是什么时候发射第一颗人造卫星的?

自行车bybiketakeabike骑自行车bybike是方式状语,而takeabike是动宾词语bybustakeabus乘汽车bytraintake a train乘火车。

by air= by plane乘飞机goto … by bike = take a bike to … ride to骑自行车去……

go to …by train= take a train to = go to…on a train乘火车去……

go to… byair= goto…by plane = flyto ……乘飞机去……go bike riding骑自行车旅行(1)howdoyouusuallycometoschool?iusuallycomebybike .


2)his father takes a train to work every day .=his father goes to work by train everyday .

his father goes to work on the train every day.他父亲每天乘火车去上班。(3)mr..

smithwent tohong kong by air .=mr. smith went to hong kong by plane.

=mr. smith flew to hong kong.史密斯先生是乘飞机去香港的。

section b

11. sightseeingn观光,游览go sightseeing去观光。

1) how about your sightseeing in hong kong?你的香港之旅怎么样?(2) what’s he doing for vacation ?

he’s going sightseeing and bike riding.他假期打算做什么?他打算去观光和骑自行车旅行。

租用,出租-rented*向某人租借某物*rent ….to …把…租借给…….rent ……for sb.替某人租给…….

1)they rented a house from mr, smith他们向史密斯先生租了一间房。(2)she rented a flat to the students.她把公寓租给了学生。

(3)i rented a room for my friend.我替我的朋友租了一间房。

著名的,出名的be famous

1) einstein was famous for his theory of relativity .爱因斯坦以他的相对论而闻名。(2)thearea is famous for its green tea,这个地区以绿茶而出名。

(3)he is famous as a great scientist.他以一位伟大的科学家劳动者著称。(4)the area is famous as a green tea producing place.

这个地区是产绿茶的地区。 a vacation度假。

1) xiao ming is taking a vacation with his parents in dalian next year..明年小明将和他的父母去大连度假。= xiao ming’ llspend his holiday in dalian next year.

2) what are you doing for vacation?–i’m taking a vacation .假期你打算干什么?我打算度假。


1) mr, miller isle**ing for europe tomorrow.。明天米勒将动身去欧州。(2)all the boys are going to spain for vacation.

所有男孩打算去西班牙度假。(3)he thought about going to greece or spain .他考虑是去希借还是西班牙。

(4)what’s spainlike ? how’s spain ?西班牙怎么样?


在湖附近在湖边在湖里五大湖(1)children are playing by the lake .孩子在湖边玩耍。

2)the great lakes are famous ,so people like going sightseeing there .五大湖很著。


n农村乡村inthecountryside在乡下(1)his uncle likes living in the countryside.他叔叔喜欢住在乡下。

2)living in the countryside is moreinteresting than living in the city.住在乡下比住。


n大自然自然界keepthe balance ofnature保持生态平衡(1) i lovenature becauseit’s very beautiful.我喜欢大自然因为它很美丽。

2)it’s important for us to keep the balance of the nature.对我们来说保持生态平衡是重要的。

19. forget v忘记- forgot–forgetting反义词remember*forget to do sth,忘记要做的事forget doing sth.忘记做过的事。

1)i forget to turn off the light when i left the room.我离开房间时我忘了关灯了。(2)-i went tothe movies last night.

what about you ?–i didn’t go because ididn’t

forget seeing it

我昨晚去看电影了。你呢?我没去因为我记得我看过。 v完成finish doing sth.做完某事。

1) i finished playing baseball,theni went to see the movies.我打完棒球,然后我去看了电影。

2)heleft the classroom after he finished the cleaning it.他扫完教室后离开了教室游客,旅行者。

1)many tourist come to hainan every year许多游客每年去海南。(2)what should tourists take with them?游客应随身携带什么?


2008 2009学年度第一学期unit3试卷。八年级英语试卷。上京中学张宝珠。考试时间 120分钟 满分 100分 听力部分 20分 一 听力 每小题1分,共20分 a 看图听句子,选出与你所听到的与句子内容相符的图画 其中有一幅是多余的 a b c d e f b 听对话,根据对话内容选择问题的...


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