
发布 2022-12-16 10:54:28 阅读 2492

八年级下册第1单元导学案 p5-p6第课时。

学习目标】1.识记 space, moon, fall, alone, probably, able, dress, which, even, wrote


3.阅读3a 的短文并回答相应的问题。

自主学习〗1.读记教材第103页的单词和短语。(myself-- thought)


翻译中文: astronauthouseapartment(公寓)

computer programmertrainrocketspace station( )


4.阅读第6页3a的短文, 完成**。


1.第一行,in ten years(十年后), 介词in + 一段时间, 表示将来的时间, 翻译为” …之后”

2.第二行, fall用作动词时,主要有两种用法。

一种是作为实义动词,可以和介词或副词搭配,表示“落下;跌落”,例如:i fell back in my chair.


另一种是作为系动词,与形容词连用,表示进入某种状态,如:fall asleep 入睡(进入睡眠的状态) 。

常用搭配:fall asleep 入睡 fall behind 落后于(某人或某物) fall down 跌落

fall off 从…掉下 fall in love with 喜爱;爱上。

例如: i fell in love with english lastly.我最近爱上英语了。

3. 第三行, as a reporter中的as是”作为…”的意思。 例如:

as a student, i must study hard and get a good grades.作为一名学生,我应该努力学习并且取得好成绩。

4.第四行,live in …with … 和…住在…”

例如: i live in our big house with my parents.我和爸爸妈妈一起住在我家的大房子里。

5. 第七行, keep 在这里是 “养, 饲养” 的意思。 以前学过是 ”保持” 的意思。

6. 第八行, during”在…期间”. during the week意思是”在一周中, 指从星期一到星期五”

i’ll look smart, and probably will wear a suit. 我将会穿一套西服,这样看起来正式一点。

7.第九行, 译文: 在周末,我将会穿的更随意些。

be able to do …能做… 会做…(一般指做成了具体某件事)

过关检测〗1. —will people live to be 300 years old

a. no, they aren't b. no, they won't c. no, they don't d. no, they can't

2. there will bepollution this year than last year.

a. fewer b. much c. less d. many

3. i think people here are friendly. do you agreeme?

a. with b. to c. on d. from

4. —where is miss wang? —she went to hainan island last week and will returnsix days.

a. ago b. later c. behind d. in

5will they play? —they will play football.

a. what subject b. what sport c. what food d. what language

6. i will see you again

a. a day b. every day c. one day d. everyday

笔记:八年级下册第1单元导学案 p7 第课时。

学习目标】1.通过练习self check中的习题, 总结第一单元所学要点。


2.读记教材第103页的单词和短语。(strategy-- shape)

3.自主完成第7页的1的习题。理由: 1


1). 在文章右边圈出文中所发明的东西。

2). 相关知识:

came 是的过去式。

come true 是: …成为现实。 例如:your dream will come true.你的梦想将会实现。

3). 翻译文中的一些句子。

第一至二行: there are many famous predictions that never came true.

第七至八行: no one will want to h**e a computer in his or her home.

4. 完成3的习题( 在本单元中找出以所描述的单词).


1. tom hasfew; fewer) christmas cards than i.

2. they believe that there will beless; fewer)

green trees in fifty years.

3. he is ill and he can eatmore; less) food, so he

gets quite weak.

4. themore; much) we get together, thehappy; happier) we’ll be.

5. d**id hasless; fewer) money than anna has.

选择题。 )1. i hope your dream will

a. come true b. come out c. come in d. come on

)2. everyone wants toto the moon for vacations.


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