八年级英语上册复习 易错题集锦

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八年级上学期英语易错题集锦单项选择。()1.-what __do you need for your trip?

-nothing __ive packed(包装) everything.

a. else; other b. other; else c.

else; else d. other; other()2. -cathy, i wonder if your parents___to the parentsmeeting this saturday.

they will, i think. if they dont come, i __calling come; will keep b. come; keepc.

will come; keep d. will come; will keep()3.-can you finish your homework today?

-yes, i __to bed tonight until i finish my wont go b. am going c. didnt go d.

go()4.—would you like __shopping with me?--sorry, i feel like __books at go; read go; readingc.

going; read d. going; reading

)5. they arrived __shanghai __a cold in b. in;on

a. health, health b. health, healthy

c. healthy, health d. healthy, healthy

)7. -do you like the city life or the country life?-its hard to say.

in the city there is __fun, but in thecountry there is __pollution.

-did you __your umbrella, tom?-no, but i __it for;found for for;looked for()9. .

what can i do for you?

please __two apples and them up up them them up

)10. -do you know anything new in our school?-of course.

therean important soccer game inour school tomorrow.

going to h**e going to be h**e hold()11. .do you think that there will be more trees in themountains

a. i hope so. i hope not.

really? there will be fewer trees.

)12its saturday the is it b. whats it likec. whats today the date

)13. he did not write __though he had___enough; enough time b. carefully enough; enoughtime

)14.-i think the best way___is through exercise.-me too.

i spend an hour___sports every to relax; playing b. to relax; to playc. relaxing; to play d.

relaxing; playing

carefully; fewer b. more carefully; careful; less carefully; fewer

)16.-mom, do you need me to do___to help you withthe party?

thanks, but __is ready.

a. something; something nothingc. everything; nothing everything()17.

-i never feel __when sam is with me.

of course. he is not a __person at boring; boring b. bored; boring bored

)18.-i dont think lily can sing __lucy.-i disagree.

i think lily can sing___as well as; better than b. as better as; as well asc. so good as; better than d.

as well as; worse than()19.—whats your plan for today?—the




do___work today.

a.too much;many too b.too much;much tooc.much too;too much d.many too;too many()20.—our teacher often asks us___basketball inthe street.

yes,safety must come play b.not playc.not playing d.not to play

) a big difference you __at the meeting? b. made c.

took d. changed()22. -what about __to do?

anything special b. special anythingc. something special d.

special something


23.我们决定乘公交车去公园,然后步行到博物馆。wethe park by bus and walked to the museum.(decide)

24.比尔是个有趣的男孩,他总是逗我们发笑。(make)bill is a funny boy and he always25.

并不是每个人都喜欢踢足球。(enjoy)not everybodysoccer.26.

第一个决心与我的学习有关。(do)the first resolutionmy studies.27.

你为什么打算开始学游泳?(take)why are you going to __swimming?


healtheducationwillpreparingusfor old age.

29.由于这场大雨,很多房子倒塌了。(fall)many houses __because of the he**y rain.

30.对于我们来说醒来并且知道在**很容易。(wake)its easy for usand know where we are.

31.他回复她说,一切都准备好了。(reply)heher that everything was ready.32.我们盼望着搬入新居。(look)

we areto a new house.33.昨天,我和几个朋友去黄鹤楼闲逛。

i,togetherwithsomefriendsintheyellowcrane tower yesterday.(hang)


35.我希望很快收到你们的来信。(hear)i hopeyou soon.

36.你知道什么时候举行班会吗?(h**e)do you know when___the class party?

37.我一定保守秘密,不会有人知道这件事的。(keep)i mustand nobody will know about it.

38.除非她与人交流,否则她必定会感觉更糟。(talk)unless shesomeone, shell certainly feel worse.


wang is ill. can youto give the lesson?40.


what do they

they are both from america and good at playing basketball.


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2018八年级上学期数学期中复习易错易考题及解析。一 选择题 共11小题 1 下列长度的各组线段中,不能组成三角形的是 a 1.5,2.5,3.5 b c 2a,3a,5a a 0 d m 1,m 2,m 3 m 0 解答 解 a 1.5 2.5 3.5,故可以构成三角形 b 故可以构成三角形 c ...


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