
发布 2022-12-15 23:16:28 阅读 4754









第i卷 (100分)



第二节. 听问句,选择恰当的答语。听一遍。 (5分)

6. a. it was boring. b. i’m happyc. it was big.

7. a. in chongqing. b. in june, 1971. c. at five.

8. a. yes, you could. b. no, i wasn’t. c. yes, you can.

9. a. twice a month. b. ten daysc. five kilometers.

10. a. first, cut up the bananas.

b. i’m going bike riding. c.

i’m going to be an engineer.



11. a. rainy. b. cloudy. c. sunny.

12. a. has a cold. b. has a fever. c. has a headache.

13. a. she must finish her homework.

b. she has to babysit her sister.

c. her younger sister was ill.

14. a. jim. b. vince. c. ted.

15. a. a football player. b. a basketball player. c. an american runner.


16. fred’s parents and he went to the for vacation.

17. fred’s aunt lives in los angeles.

18. fred went to the zoo in new york to see animals.

19. fred saw tom cruise at a restaurant in los angeles.

20. fred went to center park in new york.



21. mr wang is sixty years old now.

22. mr wang often waters the flowers in the field(田).

23. there is a small garden in front of his building.

24. in the morning mr wang and his wife take walks near the garden.

25. mr wang watches the flowers after supper.

b). 听短文,根据短文内容,选择正确答案。听两遍。(5分)

26. i exercise every day

a. after i h**e breakfast b. when i come home from school c. before i finish homework

27. i h**e fruit andevery day.

a. cola b. coffee c. milk

28. i try to eat junk food

a. once a week b. once a day c. twice a week

29. i sleep __hours every night.

a. eightb. nine c. ten

30helps me to study better.

a. my good teacher b. my good friend c. good food

基础知识运用 (70分)



31. it took her some timeenglish in class.

a. finish reading b. to finish to read c. to finish reading d. finish to reading

32. —why is town cinema the best movie theatre to go to?

because it’sschool.

a. the closest b. the closest to c. closest d. the closer to

33. —we’ll h**e an english exam this afternoon.

a. that’s great b. glad to hear that c. good luck to you d. sorry to hear that

34do you go fishing every month?

three or four times a month.

a. how long b. how many c. how much d. how many times

35. —what’s the matter, my boy?

i’m not feeling

a. bad b. good c. well d. sad

36. show him your photos when he __back to school.

a. will get b. gets c. is gettingd. got

37. —would you like to go for a walk with us?

a. yes, i’d like b. no, i can’t c. yes, i’d love to d. yes, i would

38. you can watch tv, but pleaseitbecause my baby is sleeping.

a. turn; off b. turn; on c. turn; up d. turn; down

39. —do you h**eto say?


a. something else b. else anything c. else something d. anything else

40. —must they clean the classroom now?

no, they

a. can’t b. needn’t c. mustn’t d. don’t

41. —listen! who is singing?


a. sounds b. sound like c. sounds like d. sounds love

42. it rains __people can __go hiking in the mountains.

a. hardly, hardly b. hard, hard c. hard, hardly d. hardly, hard

43. -do you know __now?

-- in the people’s hotel.

a. where is tom working b. where tom is working

c. where did tom workd. where tom worked

44. the art exhibition willme rich and famous.

a. do b. h**e c. help d. make

45. liu li isoutgoingher sister.

a. as… as b. so…as c. more… as d. as… than

46. chongqing is bigger thanin japan.


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