八年级英语复习题 一

发布 2022-12-14 22:28:28 阅读 4932

unit 1 how often do you exercise ? 1

i. 翻译下列词组。


4、 每日两次5、动物世界6、看电视。




ii. 单项选择。

)1do you usually do on mondays?

a. where b. when c. what d. which

)2. what __she __on weekends?

a. do, do b. does, does c. does, do d. do, does

)3. i don’t like movies. i __go to the movies.

a. oftenb. usually c. always d. never

)4. mother __once a week.

a. shop b. shops c. shoping d. shopping

)5. sally likes english and reads it __

a. once a month b. twice a week c. never d. every day

)6. james is a good teacher. i’ll __forget him.

a. always b. often c. sometimes d. never

)7does your brother exercise? -every day.

a. whatb. how often c. where d. what often

)8. -what do you usually doi often visit friends.

a. at monday b. in weekends c. today d. on weekends

)9. mother drinks milk __a day.

a. one time b. two times c. three times d. fourth

)10. healthy lifestyle is __people.

a. good for b. good to c. bad for d. bad to

)11. her mother is ill, she has to __her.

a. look at b. see c. look after d. look for

)12. exercise in the morning __to keep healthy.

a. help me b. help i c. helps me d. helps i

)13he is very young, _he plays ping-pong very well.

a. although, but b. but, although c. although, /d. but, /

)14. -what does she doshe often goes to the movies.

a. on weekendsb. on the weekends

c. in weekendsd. in the weekends

)15do you surf the internet?--twice a week.

a. how soon b. when c. how long d. how often

)16. please take this medicine2

a. one time one dayb. two times a day

c. three times one dayd. three times a day

)17. walking is goodhe does morning __every day.

a. exercise, exerciseb. exercises, exercises

c. exercise, exercisesd. exercises, exercise

)18. -what does he do on sundays? -he __watches tv.

a. sometimes b. some times c. sometime d. some time

)19. you should go to bed for a few nights and you should exercise __

a. staying healthy b. staying health c. to stay healthy d. to stay health

)20. although it is raining, _we’d like to go for a walk.

a. butb. socd. because


1. 我朋友周末通常在网上冲浪。

my friend usuallyon weekends.

2. 至于说到电视节目,我最喜欢的是体育新闻。

tv programs, my f**orite program is

3. 谁是你们班数学学得最好的学生。

the __math student in your class?

4. 大多数学生都喜爱足球,一些女生喜爱篮球。

___boys like football, _girls like basketball.

5. 你多久做一次运动?一天一次。

do you exercise

6. 你多久去一次北京?我一个月去两次。

do you go to beijing? -i go to beijing.

7. 你班上同学怎样上学?多数人步行,有些人骑单车。

do your classmates go to school?

students go to schoolbutby bike.

8. 你姐多久去一次舞会?她从不去。

--howyour sister go to the ball

9. 你瞧!我能照顾我的堂妹了。

so you see. i canmy cousin.

iv. 根据句意,填上适当的词。

1. -what do you do __weekends? -i oftentv.

2. -what’s yourprogram? -it’s animal world.

3. -do you like milk? -no, but my mother __me to drink it.

4. grandpa is prettybecause he exercises every day.

5. my mother doesn’t like soccer, she __watches it.


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