
发布 2022-12-14 14:53:28 阅读 8655

section a


一、 英汉互译

1. 最舒适的座位

2. the biggest screens

3. so far



二、 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子

h**e two票)to the basketball match.

7. tam listens very cin class. all the teachers like him.

8. that restaurant has good s

9. (2012,贵州铜仁)he can speak english更好地)than i.

10. the supermarket has the最新鲜的) fruit.


11. thanks forhelp) me.

12. his brother is areport).

13: this coat isexpensive)than that one.

14. you can sit the mostcomfortable) at sun cinema.

15一what do you think of funky fashions? 一i think it’s thebad).it has really bad service .

三、 单项选择

16. the people’s cinema is closemy home.

a. in b out c to d of

17is the coat?

a. how far b. how much c. how soon d. how often

18一is it from your home to school? 一ten minutes by bus.

a. how far b. how much c. how soon d. how long

19. fm 97. 4 is the bestlt plays popular music every day.

a. fast food restaurant $.clothing store c. radio station d. music store

20. (2012,广西桂林)the red pencil isthan the green one.

a. short b. shorter c. nice d. the shortest

21: you can buy tickethere.

a. the most quick b. the more quick c. the most quickly d. the more quickly

22..1 like the big screen complex because it hasscreen.

a. bigger b. the worst c. the biggest d. worst

23.—the weather istoday than yesterday.

a. bad b. worse c. badder d. badly

24: which isseason in beijing?

a. better b. best c. the best d. good

25. (2012,福建福州)shu-how lin is now one ofbasketball players in the nba.

a. popular b, more popular c. the most popular


is about three miles from the market to the hospital.(对画线部分提问)

is it from the market to the hospital?

27. movie world has big screens. town cinema has bigger screens.(合并成一句)

town cinema hasscreensmovie world.

teens is the best clothes store in town.(对线部分提问)

is the best clothes store in town?

29. this red jacket is cheaper than that blue one.(改为同义句)

that blue jacket isthan this red one.

30. jim is taller than the other two.(改为同义句)

jim isof the three.



mom isbusy) in my family.

clothes store isgood),trendy teens or jason’s?

38. which city isbeautiful),beijing, shanghai or hangzhou?

39. she isold) of us all.

40. what’sbad) radio station in town?

102. 1 fm isbad) than all talk 970 am.

42. which isbig) of the five ( oranges?

43. movie palace hascomfortable) seats of the three.

44.0f all the boxes this one ishe**y).

45.1 want to learn science hard. i think it isdifficult) of all.

section b&self check


基本句式 46.谁是最好的表演者?

who is


theyin deciding the winner.


talent shows are getting


what do youthe shows?


who sings


fashions has the worst clothes in town.(改哭一般疑问句)

funky fashionsthe worst clothes in town?

47,mike’s hair is 5 cm long. jack’s hair is 6 cm long.(合并为一句)

mike’s hair is

costs about 180 yuan for a night in the hotel.(对画线部分提问)

does itfor a night in the hotel?

49.1 think jason’s has the best clothes in town.(改为圣定句)

ithink jason’she best clothes in town.

50. this jacket is cheaper than that one.(改为同义句)

that jacket isthan this one.

51. the tall boy wins the game.(改为同义句)

thethe game is the tall boy.


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