
发布 2022-12-13 05:04:28 阅读 2325

八年级上 unit1 where did you go on vacation?

1.复合不定代词除no one以外,其他复合不定代词都写成一个词。)


我想吃点东西。 i’d liketo eat.

今天有人给我打**吗?didcall me today?


这本书里有什么新东西吗?is therein this book?


由some, any, no, every构成的不定代词作主语时,通常作单数看,其谓语动词用三单。

something is wrong with my watch. there is something for everyone at greenwood park.

nobody knows what the future will be likewell, everyone wants to win.

i can’t find my keys anywhere. 我到处也找不到我的钥匙。

2. i just stayed at home most of the time to read and relax.


most students go to school on foot. 大多数学生步行去上学。

most + 名词(泛指多数,无范围);

most + of + the (this/that/those/these等)名词 ,指某一范围内的多数。

most of the students go to school by bike. 这些学生们中的多数骑自行车去上学。

1. did he go out with任何人)?

2. they didn’t buy特殊的东西) there yesterday.

3. tell us有趣的事情) about your vacation, jenny.

4found mr. li’s keys and g**e them back to him yesterday.

5 ─ did you seein the big box? ─no, i didn’t. there’s __in it.

6helped the little boy. he did it himself.


1.)did you buy anything for yourself? 你为你自己买什么东西了吗?

2.)the old man taught himself english. 那位老人自学英语。

3.)the thing itself is not important. 事情本身并不重要。

4.)i myself visited my aunt last weekend. 上周我自己去拜访了姑姑。

4. “因为”:because + 句子because of+名词(短语)

they didn’t go fishing because of the bad weather

he didn’t go to school because of his illness. =he didn’t go to school because

5. enough作形容词,意为“充足的,足够的,充分的”: enough+名词。


the house isn’t big enough for us. 这个房子对我们来说不够大。


一 翻译下列词组。去度假去夏令营。去纽约去爬山。去海滩呆在家。参观博物馆看望我的舅舅。任何特别的东西任何有趣的人。任何有趣的事和任何人一起出去。任何有趣的地方好久不见。拍很多 大部分时间。二 用be动词或do的适当形式填空。at school just now.an egg on the table...


unit 1 练习题。一 单项选择。20 1分 20分 1 2012曲靖中考 i didn t sleep well last night,because i a toothache a.was b.went c.had d.took 2 2013山东莱芜 tony,what s matter wi...


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