
发布 2022-12-13 05:03:28 阅读 3526











___at school just now.

___an egg on the table yesterday.

___on the farm a moment ago.

4. whereyou go on vacation?

5. whatyou do last night?

6you at home yesterday? —yes, i

7. hea student two years ago.

8. —howthe weather last sunday? —ithot.

9he do his homework yesterday? —yes, he

li __11 years old last year.


and marycome) to china last month.

go) to bed until 12 o’clock last night.

mike this morning.

week wepick) many apples on the farm.

watches tv every evening. but she __not watch) tv last night.


)1.—what did you do on vacation? —i___to new york city.

) helped me___my books.

a. finded b. findc. found d. finding

) you___last night?

a. did, go b. do, go c. did, going d. are, go

)4. -where did you __on your vacation?

we __to new york city.

a. go, went b. went, go c. goes, went d. go, go

)5. he __to new york two hours ago.

a. fliedb. fliesc. flew d. flying

)6he go to central park?

yes, he

a. did , did b. did, didn’t c. do, did d. did , did

) bottle is empty(空的). there isin it.

a. anything b. something c. nothing


a: oh, great. 37

b: it was great. i had a good time.

a: 36b: i went to hangzhou, china 。

a: 38b: it was very warm. you don’t need to take much he**y clothing.

a: did you going shopping there

b: 39i bought something for my parents .

a: 40b: the food was great, delicious and cheap.

中考链接 story is __and all of us are __in it.(贵州铜仁)

a. interest; interesting b. interesting; interest

b. interested; interesting d. interesting; interested

2.—what about __a rest?

ok. let’s go out and h**e a walk.(湖南长沙)

a. to take b. takes c. taking

3.—i’ll fly to qingdao for my holiday this weekend.


a. why notb. i hope so.

c. with pleasured. h**e a good time!

4. the boy is __to carry the box.

a. enough strongb. enough strongly

c. strong enoughd. strongly enough


it was children’s day yesterday, we __16__ the park. our teacher was __17__ us. _18__ many people in the park.

some young pioneers(少先队员)__19__ near the river. _20__ sang and danced. there were some __21__ on the river.

there was a hill __22__.some boys __23__ in the river. we sat under __24__ apple tree with our teacher.

we __25__ on children’s day yesterday.

16. a. wentb. went toc. went ford. went in

17. fromc. withd. of

18. a. those were b. howc. hadd. there were

19. a. areb. wasc. wered. did

20. a. theyb. themc. theird. theirs

21. a. hillsb. boatsc. flowersd. trees

22. a. hereb. overc. over thered. near

23. a. swimb. swimming c. swimmedd. swam

24. a. ab. ancd. the

25. a. likedb. enjoyedc. had great fun d. did









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