
发布 2022-12-14 04:36:28 阅读 5979

unit 4 he said i was hard – working

section a

1. he said i was hard – working 他说我很努力。

【解析】hard-working adj. 勤勉的, 努力工作的

hard work (名词词组) 艰苦的工作。

work hard 努力工作。

) ben studied hard. he is __

a. very hard- working boy b. very hard- working

c. working hard boy d. working -hard

2. she said she was h**ing a surprise party for lana on friday night.


h**e a surprise party 举办一个惊喜晚会。

on friday night 在周五的晚上。


) she’ll go to marcia’s house __friday night.

a. at b. in c. for d. on

3. lana said she wasn’t mad at marcia anymore

解析1】mad adj. 很生气的。

be mad at/with sb. =be angry with sb因某事而生某人的气。

be mad about sth 对……迷得发狂。

) lana said that she wasn’t mad __marcia anymore.

a. to b. at c. for d. on

) she was mad __me for __her keys.

a. at ;losing b. about ; losing c. at ; lost d. about; lost

解析2】anymore adv 再也,再如。

(1) not …any more= no more “不再”指数量和程度上的不再,修饰终止性动词。

用法】any more 只能放在句末,no more 既可以放入句中(实义动词之前,be动词,情态动词或助动词之后),也可以放在句末。

he won’t go there any more= he will go there no more.

(2) not … any longer= no longer “不再”指时间或距离的不再延长,修饰延续性动词。

she doesn't live here any longer= she lives here no longer.

) you should dress yourself now, tom. you are __a child __

a. no, any more b. not;not more c. not; any more d. no ; some more

) my sister won’t work for him __

a. no more b. some more c. anymore d. much more

5. first of all, marcia told ben she was h**ing a surprise party for lana,and…

解析】first of all 首先,第一(用于说明事物排列顺序时强调重要性)

at first 首先,第一

one) of all, we should try our best to find out the reason.

)②we can do a lot to stay healthy. _we should eat a balanced diet.

a. at a time b. in fact c. first of all d. all together

6. you want b to pass this message to c…

解析】pass sth to sb. =pass sb. sth 递给某人某物。

pass on 传递 pass on … to… 把……传递给……

拓展】 give sb. sth= give sth to sb.

show sb. sth=show sth to sb.

read the letter andpass) it on to him.

) could you please __the message to mike?

a. to pass on b. pass on c. pass for d. to pass for

8. be in = be at home 在家。

( )tom regards nanjing as his second __because he has been here for over ten years.

a. family b. room c. house d. home

n 消息,信息。

take a message for sb. 为某人捎信息 le**e a message for sb.为某人留口信

大理中考] my best friends sent me many short __with best wishes for my birthday.

a. news b. information c. messages d. suggestions

exciting week 令人激动的一周。

记】(1) exciting adj. 令人激动的,(通常用于指物)

(2) exciting adj. 感到激动的(通常用于指人)

be excited about 对…… 感到兴奋。

昆明中考] ①going to south africa for the world cup makes me __for i am a football fan.

a. relaxed b. relaxing c. excited d. exciting

拓展】surprising/surprised amazing/amazed interesting/ interested

it was anexcite) week for the people in the soap opera.

11. you were supposed to meet at the bus stop this morning to return it…

解析1】suppose v 假定,认为。

be supposed to do sth =should do sth

1】被要求做… we’re supposed to study hard.

2】应该做…= should do sth we’re supposed to shake hands when we meet in china.

you weresuppose) to meet at the bus stop.

we are not supposedfootball on sunday. (play)

) you are __to return the book to the library in two weeks.

a. supposed c. shouted d. thought

解析2】return (1)v 归还= give back (2) 返回某地= go/come back

【拓展】return … to… 把……还给……

) jim told me he would return my cds next week.

a. come back b. be back c. give back d. return back

13. lana told macia she would bring some books to her house on friday night.

解析1】 tell/ speak/ say/ talk

1) tell v 讲述 tell a story 讲故事 tell a lie 撒谎

tell sb sth 告诉某人某事 tell sb . to do sth 叫某人去做某事。

2) speak v 讲 ,其后一般接语言 speak french. 说法语。

3) say v 说 , 其后接说的内容 sb. say … 某人说。

4) talk v 谈, 强调的是交谈 talk to/ with sb 与某人交谈。

) he is a very honest man . he never __lies.

a. says b. speaks c. tells d. talks

) the radio __that there will be another he**y rain in guangdong.


1 下列词语中加点的字,注音完全正确的一项是 4分 a 黝黑 y u 贻误 y 瞥见 p i 扣人心弦 xu n b 宽宥 y u 背脊 j 星宿 x 不屑置辩 xu c 魁梧 w 纤细 xi n 笃信 d 海市蜃楼 sh n d 反诘 j 咀嚼 ju 充塞 s i 争奇斗妍 y n 2 下列句子标...


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