
发布 2022-12-13 07:48:28 阅读 2537


一。 根据句意写出下列单词,单词的第一个字母已给出。)

1. chinese is different from english in many w___

2. grandma fell i___yesterday , we took her to a hospital .

3. i saw an old man f___off his bike just now .

4. eis ready . let’s begin .

5. look ! the dog is playing w___the cat .

二。 选择单词的正确形式填空。(每题1分,共5分)

1. h**e you __fish ?

yes , i h**e fed it already .(feed , fed)

2. the greens’ family are busyfor their visit .(prepare , preparing)

3. the new apartment isthan the old one .(larger , large)

4. onway to school , jim saw the man fall off his bike .(his , he)

5. my father likes __very much .(fishing , fish)


1. joe粉刷过门了,他们看起来很明亮。

joe has painted the doors , so theyvery

2. 今天轮到你值日了。it’s your turn to betoday .

3. 汤母和迈克两个人都在学习tom __mike are studying .

4. 昨天他给我们上了一节有趣的历史课。

hean interesting history lesson yesterday .

5. 他们正在生火。theya fire now .


1. just then , he saw a car hit an old woman

2. i’m going to be late for the meeting , i’ll le**e right away

3. the old man thanked me again and again

4. she often goes sightseeing in her spare time

5. the streets near the apartment are cleaner and quieter than before

四。 根据中文提示,完成下列句型。(每空0.5分,共5分)

1. 直到昨天下午5点,我们才离开公园。

wethe parkfive o’clock yesterday afternoon .

2. 我们已把教室打扫干净。教室到处都很干净、整齐。

wealreadythe classroom . it’s clean and tidy everywhere .

3. mr. smith经常外出娱乐。

mr. smith oftenfor fun in the morning .

4. 上周在他们到达北京之后,给我打个**。

after theybeijing last week , they made a phone call to me .

五。 单项选择:(每空1分,共15分)

)1. —when were you born , lily ?

i was bornjune 17 , 1987 .

a. inb. onc. atd. to

)2. do you enjoyat the party last saturday ?

a. oneself b. themselves c. ourselves d. yourselves

)3. my father likesstories in his free time .

a. reading b. watching c. seeingd. looking

)4of them went to the zoowent to the park .

a. some , others b. some , the others c. some , some d. all , others

)5i finish middle school , i’ll go to a vocational school .

a. beforeb. whenc. afterd. because

)6. i like the green coatmy mother likes the red one better .

a. andb. butc. sod. or

)7. we saw many people wait for the bus

a. at the bus stop b. in the way c. on the way d. by the way

)8. wein this school for about two years .

a. studyb. studied c. will study d. h**e studied

)9. my apartment is not

a. big very much b. enough a big c. a big enough d. big enough

)10. she met her uncleher wayschool .

a. atb. onc. at , tod. on , to

)11. last saturday , we visitedhouse in the country .

a. the green b. the greens’ c. greensd. the greens

)12. mr. smithan hour on this work .

a. spentb. tookc. usedd. paid

)13. the visitorshere two hours ago .

a. arrived in b. got toc. arrivedd. arrived at

)14do you want to be when you grow up ?

a. whatb. howc. whod. when

)15. we can do more english listening and speaking in a

a. computer room b. physics lab c. language lab d. reading room

六。 方框选词填空。(每题1分,共5分)

both… and , wish , makes , became , call

1. we like __english __math .

2. after my father left college , hea doctor of chinese medicine .

3. what do youto do after high school ?

4. mr. green alwayshis lesson interesting .

5. what do youa school like this in your country ?

七。 补全对话:(0.5×10=5)

a : you moved 1 a new apartment last week , didn’t you ?

b : yes .

a : what is your apartment 2 ?

b : it’s better 3 the old one .


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