
发布 2022-12-12 14:01:28 阅读 5965


unit 1 where did you go on vacation?



i had a good weekend. on last saturday morning i went bike riding with my best friend. in the afternoon i went fishing with my father.

and in the evening, i went to the movies with my family. we watched a comedy. i thought it was very interesting.

then on last sunday, i went sightseeing in our city all the day. and on last sunday evening i had a rest. what a wonderful weekend i had !



1. 周六和父母去看望爷爷奶奶,并帮他们打扫房子;

2. 周日上午去了历史博物馆,学到了很多东西;

3. 周日下午在家做作业、看书。70词左右。

提示词:last weekend, visit grandparents, clean the house, history museum, do homework, read books

dear tony,

i’m very happy to tell you about my last weekend.

yours,li jun

dear tony,i want to tell you that i had a great time last weekend. i went to visit my grandparents with my parents on saturday. i helped them clean the house.

in the evening we had a big meal together. on sunday morning i went to the history museum with my friends. we learned a lot there.

in the afternoon i did my homework and read books at home. how was your last weekend? could you please tell me?

yours,li jun

unit 2 how often do you exercise?



all the students=100% most students=51%~99% some students = 1%~50%

no students = 0%)

here are the results of the student activity survey in class 12, grade 8. most students watch tv every day. some students watch tv twice a week.

some students watch tv four times a week. some students h**e sports every day. some students h**e sports twice a week.

most students h**e sports four times a week. all the students do homework every day. no students do homework twice or four times a week.


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