八年级上册1 2单元词组互译

发布 2022-12-12 12:30:28 阅读 5475

温州蒙氏教育八年级上1-2单元词组互译:(周末用)2012-09-13修改unit one

1.多久一次 ever3.至于4.吃垃圾食品5.去滑板6.当然。

class two,grade eight35.一个不健康的生活方式 of here for some next 照顾我们。


a the internet

sb. take a walk12.使某人做作业。

healthy better grades15.帮助某人做某事 in good health= or twice a to eleven healthy21.周末去看电影22.


23.看许多英语书 next week25.对…有益26.想让某人做某事27.努力做某事28 .多少小时 same good little milk、

unit two(下周背诵听写内容)

1. a few people有些人。

2. h**e/catch a cold患感冒。

the moment此时,现在。

a stomachache肚子疼。

a sore throat喉咙痛 a fever发烧。

7. h**e a sore back背疼8. h**e a headache头疼9. h**e a toothache牙疼。

10. make sb. stressed out使某人紧张 too fat太胖。

12. sorry to hear that听到这个消息很难受 us some advice给我们一些忠告14. how many teeth多少牙齿。

a dentist看牙医。

16. lie down and rest躺下来休息17. go to bed earlier早点睡觉18. hot tea with honey热茶加蜂蜜。

much meat太多肉 the other hand在另一方面21. a balance of yin and yang阴阳平衡22. something interesting一些有趣的东西 out at night在晚上出去 well感觉舒服25..

wish you a good luck祝你好运。

八年级英语上册 5 12单元词组

unit9 1.出生在二月 was were born in february 2.出生在四月十二号 was were born on april the twelfth 3.开始做某事 start begin doing sth start begin to do sth 4.开始作曲 start...

八年级 上册 词组

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八年级Unit1 12词组总汇

a football player 足球运动员。a great large number of 大量的。a great success 获得成功。a kind of 一种。a little quieter 有点安静。a lot of 许多。a lot to do 很多可做的事。a member of...