
发布 2022-12-11 23:04:28 阅读 3705



1. health健康(名), healthy健康的(形), healthily健康地(副)

drinking milk is good for our health.

a healthy lifestyle can help us keep healthy.

i am going to eat healthily this year.

2. may,(情动) maybe(副),

may be(谓动) 可能。

he may know the answer. =maybe he knows the answer.

he may be at home. =maybe he is at home.

3. be good for 对…有利,

be good at 擅长于,

be good with 与某人相处好,

be good to 对某人友好。

4. think(认为) /hear (听说) /because(因为)+从句。

think of /hear of / because of+名词。

5. forget/remember to do sth


forget/remember doing sth


6. stop to do sth 停下来去做某事。

stop doing sth停止做某事。

7. take, spend, pay, cost花费。


it took me 100 yuan to buy this coat.(it作主语)

i spent 100 yuan on/buying this coat.(人作主语)

i paid 100 yuan for this coat.(人作主语。

this coat cost me 100 yuan.(物体作主语)

8. sometime某时, some time一段时间soemtimes有时, some times几次。

9. few(几乎没有), a few(一些)+复数名词。

little(几乎没有), a little(一点儿)+不可数名词。

10. a (large) number of(许多) a small number of(少量的), the number of …的数量。

a number of students are in the classroom.


the number of the students in the classroom is 30. 教室里学生的数量是30.

11. both(…and)(两者)都 all (多者)都

the other(两者中的)另一个another(多者中的)另一个 between(…and) (两者)之间 among (多者)之间。

neither(两者)都不 none(多者)都不。

12. 赢: win+比赛/奖 beat+某人/某团体

13. 参加:join+某人/组织 take part in+活动。

14. in the south of, to the south of, on the south of 在…的南方。

hainan is in the south of china.(海南在中国范围之内)

hainan is to the south on hubei.(海南在湖北范围之外,且不接壤)

hunan is on the south of hebei.(湖南在湖北范围之外, 但接壤)

15. 太多: too much+不可数名词, too many+复数名词; 太: much too+形容词或副词。

16. too, also, either, so 也。

i like english, too. =i also like english.

i don't like english, either.

you like english, so do i.(你喜欢英语,我也喜欢。)

17. so, such 如此。

she is so clever that everyone likes her. =she is such a clever girl that everyone likes her. 她如此聪明,每个人都喜欢她。


1. better and better越来越好,

more and more beautiful 越来越美丽。

2. 10 minutes' walk= ten-minute walk=10 minutes on foot 十分钟步行的路程(表示路程,用来回答how far)

3. ss +原级as像…一样,

not as/so +原级as 不如。

he is as tall as you.

he is not as/so tall as you.= he is shorter than you.=you are taller than him.

4. somewhere interesting有趣的地方。

something important 重要的事情。

somebody else 别的人。

5. enough food足够的食物(enough+名词),big enough足够大(形/副+enough)

6. one of the most useful animals

最有用的动物之一(one of+最高级+复数)

7. i didn't go to bed until my father came back last night. 昨晚直到我爸回来我才去睡觉。

8. i'm sorry to hear that. 听到这我很难过。

9. too+形/副原级to do 太…而不能,

so+形/副原级+that+从句如此…以致不能 not+形/副原级enough to do 不足够…去做。

my daughter is too young to go to school. =my daughter is so young that she can't go to school.= my daughter is not old enough to go to school.

10. i was the first (student) to get to school yesterday. 我昨天是第一个到校的(学生).

11. it's easy to h**e a healthy lifestyle.= to h**e a healthy lifestyle is easy.

=h**ing a healthy lifestyle is easy. 拥有健康的生活方式很容易。 (动词作主语的三种表达方式)

i found it easy to h**e a healthy lifestyle.


12. yellow river is the second longest river in china. 黄河是中国的第二长河。(序数词+最高级+名词)

13. finish doing 做完某事

enjoy doing 喜欢做某事

practice doing练习做某事。

keep doing 一直做某事。

14. make sb do sth使某人做某事。

let sb do sth让某人做某事。

15. my sister is the funniest person i know.

我姐姐是我认识的人中最风趣的人。(i know为定语从名修饰person)

16. i'm going to do what i want to do.

我将做我想做的事。(what i want to do为宾语从句,用陈述句语序)

17. this is what we learned.这就是我们所得知的。(what we learned 为名词性从句,用陈述句语序)

18. i'm going to stay at home if it's rainy tomorrow.如果明天下雨,我就呆在家里。

(if表示如果;主句用将来时, if从句只用一般现在时)

19. the more friends i h**e, the happier i will be. 我的朋友越多,我就越快乐。


八年级 上 数学期末考试试题。试卷满分100分,答卷时间为90分钟 一 精心选一选 每小题3分,共30分 1 将平行四边形变成菱形,需添加一个条件是。2 把一根长为20米的钢管截成2米和3米不同规格,不计损耗,没有余料,共有m种截法,则m是。3 拖拉机开始工作时,油箱里有油24升,如果每小时耗油4升...


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