
发布 2022-12-06 22:29:28 阅读 3048



一、听句子,选**,把字母编号写在横线上。(10分)a. b. c. d. c.1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


三、根据录音内容选择正确的图,并在图下打“√”10分)1. 2.

a.( b.( c.( a.( b.( c.( 3. 4.


a.( b.( c.( a.( b.( c.( 5.

a.( b.( c.(

四、听单词,根据所听到单词圈出正确字母发音字母。(10分)1. e c 2. h f3. i h 4. h g5. b d

五、听录音,圈出所听到的字母或单词。(10分)1. a.

vn b. un c. mn2.

a. bkk b. dlc c.

ble3. a. brown b.

black c. red4. a.

ruler b. eraser c. crayon5.

a. mouth b. eye c.


六、听问句,选择相应的答句,并把其编号写在题前括号里。(10分)()good morning. b. ok.

) very well, thanks. b. nice to meet you,too.

()my name is chen jie. b. nice to meet you.

()me, too. b. hello.

) i’m mike. b. i see yellow.

七、听句子,根据内容给1,2,3小题涂色,给4,5小题画出相应的物品。(10分)1. 2. 3. 4. 5.



1. touch your ( a. mouth b. ear )

2. what’s this? it’s a ( a. pen b. pencil )

3. i see ( a. black b. brown). 黑色)

4. look at me! this is my ( a. face b. nose).

5. show me your (


a. colour it red. b.

what’s your name? c. what’s this?

d. nice to meet you,too. e.

i see brown.

三、根据对话内容选择正确的答句,并把编号写在相应的横线上。(5分)chen jie: yifan: 1.

chen jie: this is yifan: 2.

sarah: nice to meet jie: what’s this?wu yifan yifan: ok.

chen jie, sarah: yifan: 5.

五、根据所给的字母,写出其大小写形式。(5分)e( )b( )i( )


i h**e a ruler.2. this is my ear.

3. carry your bag.

4. show me your crayon.5. i h**e a pencil.

二、听句子,判断正误。正确的画笑脸,错误的画哭脸。1. touch your mouth.

2. look at me. this is my nose.

3. open your mouth.4. close your book.5. i h**e an eraser.

三、根据录音内容选择正确的图,并在图下打“√”1. hello, i’m miss white.2.

open your pencil box.3. i h**e a pencil.

me too.4. show me brown.

5. this is my face.

四、听单词,根据所听到单词圈出正确字母发音字母。1. egg2. foot3. ice4. hand5. duck

五、听录音,圈出所听到的字母或单词。1. vn2. dlc3. black4. ruler5. ear

六、听问句,选择相应的答句,并把其编号写在题前括号里。1. colour it red.

2. how are you?3.

this is mike.4. hello.

5. what’s your name?

七、听句子,根据内容给1,2,3小题涂色,给4,5小题画出相应的物品。1. colour the crayon yellow.

2. colour the ruler black.3.

colour the book orange.4. this is my mouth.

5. draw an eraser.




二、在右栏中找出左栏每个单词的中文意思,把它的字母编号写在左边的括号里。(10分)( a、母亲。

) b、眼睛( )c、头。

) d、爷爷,外公( )e、兄弟( )f、遇见( )g、脸。

) h、你的,你们的( )i、嘴( )j、手。

三、选出每组中不同类的单词,将它的编号写在左边的括号中。(10分)()1、a、face b、teacher c、doctor()2、a、farmer b、father c、mother()3、a、this b. my c.

your()4、a、leg b、arm c、me()5、a、foot b、leg c、body

四、在右栏中找出左栏中每个句子的回答,把它的编号写在左边的括号中。(20分)( 1. good afternoon.

a. good morning!( 2.

what’s your name? b. hi, i’m sarah.

( 3. hello! c.

fine, thank you.( 4. bye!

d. me too

) 5. let’s play! e.

nice to meet you, too.( 6. good morning!

f. my name’s john.( 7.

how are you? g. goodbye!

) 8. nice to meet you. h. good afternoon.( h**e two eyes. i. hi!

) wu yifan. j. ok!五、单项选择(10分)

) 1. -goodbye, miss white!--

a. bye, sarah! b. ok!

) 2.--what’s your namea. my name is sarah.

b. goodbye, sarah!( 3.

i h**e a booka. hello! b.

me too!( 4.--let’s playa.

bye b. ok

)5. i h**e a __鼻子). she has a__(头).a. nose head b. mouth hand六、情景反应。(20分)

)1、你第一次认识mike,感到十分高兴,跟他说“见到你很高兴”,你应该这样说:a. nice to meet you. b. good afternoon.

)2、john说:“i h**e a face.”你也有一个头,你可以说:

a. my name’s bai ling. b.

me too.( 3、早上见到老师应该说:

a. good morning. b. good afternoon

)4、当你说自己身体也很好时,你说什么?a、i’m fine too. b、me too

)5、向别人介绍自己的朋友时,可以说:a、this is mike . b、i’m mike .

)6、当你想询问别人的身体状况时,可以问:a、how are you ? b、i’m fine ,thank you .

)7、当你反问别人你好吗时,你说什么?a. and you? b. how are you?

)8、sarah介绍自己的家庭时,她应该这样说:a. this is family. b. i’m sarah.()9.我们的身体部位有:

a .head and nose b. doctor and teacher

)10.当你和别人说再见时,你应该说:a. goodbye! b. i’m fine. thank you.

七、从a、b、c、三个选项中选择出最符合汉语的翻译,并将其字母代号填入题前括号内。(每题2分,共12分)( 1.下午好!

a. good morning. b. good afternoon. c. goodbye。( 2.很高兴见到你!

a. what’s your name? b. nice to meet how are you?


a. this is wu yifan。b. bye, wu yifan .c. i’m wu yifan.


a. my name’s john. b. what’s your name? c. i’m john.


a. how are you? fine ,thank you! you!( 6.我有两个耳朵。

h**e two eyes. h**e two ears. h**e a ruler.


arm 2. mother 3. ear 4.


5. farmer 6. teacher 7. hand 8. father9. sister 10. foot 11. grandma




一、听音,圈出你听到的字母、数字或单词。(15分)1. en bf am2. lk gk jk

3.sos v i p cctv4. 2 5 9 6 8 1

5. sister father mother

二、听音排序。根据录音,将下列字母或数字组合排序,并将序号填在括号内。(10分)diy 7 3 gps jde 91

三、听音,选择。听录音,选择**,并将所选**的代号填在题前括号内。(15分)1、( a. b.

2、( a. b.

3、( a. b.

4、( a. b.

5、( a. b.


一、请用手写体的正确格式抄写下列字母。(20分)dd ff gg ii jj

kk ll rr xx zz

二、连线。请选择正确答案,并连线。(10分)1、what’s your name ? i’m eight .

2、how old are you ? my name is anne.3、sit down, please.

nice to meet you, too.4、hello! thank you.

5、nice to meet you. hello.

三、选择填空,将正确答案的序号填在括号内。(8分)( 1、there are __two

) 2、who are youa. i’m peter. b. i’m anne.

) 3、good morninga. good afternoon, morning.

) 4、goodbye, miss li

a. goodbye b. good morning!( 5、this is my __a. class b. family.

四、请为字母家族找回丢失的字母,并将它们填在横线上。(10分)aa __cc dd __ff __hh __jj kk lloo __qq rr __tt

uu __wwzz



一 试题分析 1.注重了基础知识的考查。这套试题充分体现考查学生的基础知识为主要目标的命题原则,重点考查了unit1 unit3单词的听读 对话的理解及句子的运用等知识,这些知识能为学生以后的学习打下坚实的基础。2.结构合理,考查目标明确。不同题型结构有不同的考查目标,如听力第。二 六题和笔试第。三...


苏教版小学语文三年级期中试卷下册试题。一 选择下面的字写在田字格中,注意写得正确 工整。6分。宴会俘虏究竟荷花清香。捏住长须逃跑饱胀莲蓬。二 看拼音写词语。li o ku l ng zh o hu ng k ng pi n pi n q w d ng sh yu n h n n h u j ng m...


一 看图,听朗读,判断单词与图是否相符,在括号里用 表示。24分 二 用线将下列身体部位名称与图连接起来。12分 eyehead earnose facemouth neckhand armknee legfoot 三 将写列单词按要求分类,将序号写在横线上。20分 1.mouse 2.mouth ...