
发布 2022-12-06 06:36:28 阅读 9586

unit 7 may i h**e some grapes?











pear [pe]梨。

课文:a: i want a banana, mum. do we h**e bananas?

b: no, we don’t. but we h**e some grapes.

a: i like grapes. may i h**e some grapes, then?

b: yes. here you are.

a: thank you, mum.

重点知识一】i want a banana, mum.我想要一根香蕉,妈妈。

主语+ want +某物,某人想要某物。

例:i want an apple.我想要一个苹果。

否定句: i don’t want…

练习:i __an apple.

a. want b. eat

重点知识二】do we h**e bananas?我们有香蕉吗?

- no, we don't.不,我们没有。

- yes, we do.是的,我们有。

注意:当主语是you, we等非第三人称单数时,用do。

当主语是he, she, it等第三人称单数时,用does.

例:do you like apples?

does she like apples?

does he want some tea?

练习:1. -do we h**e some grapes

a. yes,we don’t. b. yes, we do.

2. –do you want a banana?

a. no, i don’t. b. yes, i don’t.



an applean egg

an orangean elephant

an insectan ugly boy


1. some+可数名词复数。

some apples

some grapes

some oranges

2. some +不可数名词。

some water

some coffee

重点知识五】要注意a/ an/some用法的区别。

a/an +单数名词。

some +复数名词/不可数名词,而且用在肯定句中。


练习:1. i want___apple.

2. i want___apples.

3. she wants __banana.

4. he wants __oranges.

5. we want __grapes.


1)one pen—three

2)one orange—two

3)one pear—five

4)one boy—seven

5)one cat—six

6)one desk—two

7)one book—some

8)one ball—some

9)one bus—four

10)one robot—two



)1. may i h**e some

b. apples

)2. i want __orange.

b. a)3. –do you h**e grapes?

no, we __

b. don’t

)4. happy birthday

a. here you are. b. thank you.

)5. i wantbanana.

b. an)6i h**e some grapes?

b. may

)7is this? it’s an apple.

b. what

)8is my car? it’s in the box.

b. what colour


somethen do offor but likeand

1) i h**eenglish books in my room.

2) i don’t h**e brothers,i h**e a sister.

3) this orange isme. your orange is on the table.

4) we h**e some bananasoranges at home.

5) we don’t h**e purple crayons. let’s colour the grapes green,.

6)you h**e green pears?

7) is this a pictureyour pet (宠物) dog?

8) what colour do you?


sally: hello, mike. nice to meet you.

mike: hello, sally. nice to meet you, too.

sally: do you h**e an apple?

mike: yes, i h**e a cute apple.

sally: what colour is it?

mike: it is red and yellow.

sally: where is it? is it on the table?

mike: no, it isn’t.

sally: is it in the desk?

mike: no, it isn’t.

sally: is it in the box?

mike: yes, it is.

)1. mike is sally’s friend.

)2. mike has an apple.

)3. the apple is cute.

)4. the apple is green and red.

)5. the apple is in the desk.


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