
发布 2022-11-24 14:37:28 阅读 4527


一. 选出与其他两项不同类的单词,将其序号填在题前括号中。

)1. a. desk b. chair c. cap

)2. a. toy b. row c. drive

)3. a. hand b. foot c. bag

)4. a. under b. on c. milk

)5. a. car b. pencil c. boat

二. 判断下列汉字与所给单词是√否×一致。

1. 桌子 desk ( 2. 椅子chair3. 轮船 bus ( 4. 小汽车 car (

5. 帽子 cap ( 6. 胳膊 arm7. 骑 drive( )8. 铅笔 pencil box (

三. 将正确答案的序号填入题前括号中。

)1is weifang?--it’s in shangdong, china. a. where b. what c. which

)2.--let’s go to the zooa. great b. good guess! c. thank you

)3.--under the deskit isn’t. a. not b. no c. yes

)4. it in the toy box? a. are b. is c. am

)5a cara. row b. drive c. read

四. 根据情景,选择正确的答案,将其序号填在题前括号中。

)1. 上学时间到了,马小跳却怎么也找不到他的书包,他着急地问妈妈,说:

a. mum, where is my schoolbag? b. mum, is it my schoolbag?

)2. 放学了,马小跳收拾东西时发现铅笔盒不见了,就问唐飞,唐飞看到铅笔盒在课桌底下,忙告诉马小跳说: a.

look! it’s under the chair. b.

look! it’s under the desk.

)3. 放学后,马小跳想和唐飞、张达、马超、本等好朋友玩捉迷藏游戏,他应该对朋友们说: a.

let’s play teacher and student. b. let’s play hide and seek.

)4. 朋友们藏起来之后,马小跳找了很长时间,怎么也找不到他们,他应说:

a. i can’t find you! b. i find you!

)5. 玩完游戏后,该回家了,马小跳应对他的朋友们说:

a. let’s go home. b. let’s go to home.

五. 阅读对话,判断正误。正确的打√错误的打×。

mike: mum, let’s play a game.

mum: all right.

mike: where is my eraser? guess!

mum: in your pencil box?

mike: no, it’s not there.

mum: where is it?

mike: look! it’s in my hand.

mum: oh, it’s in your hand! mike, where is my key?

mike: on the desk?

mum: no

mike: let me see. on the chair?

mum: yes, you are right. you are a smart bou.

)1. mike’s eraser is in the pencil box.

)2. mike’s eraser is in the bag.

)3. mike is a smart boy.

)4. mum’s key is on the chair.


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