
发布 2022-11-15 14:47:28 阅读 7012



one ②eight ③ten ④four ⑤six ⑥three ⑦nine ⑧five

二、read and write。(写出单词的汉语意思。)(10分)

three( )eight ( six ( nine ( seven (

four( )ten ( two ( five( )one (


) 1. b. tea c. four d. five

) 2. b. nice c. eight d. seven

) 3. c. coffee

) 4. b. six c. two d. too

) 5 b. bread c. cat d. rabbit

) 6. b. some c. five d. seven

) 7. b. cat c. monkey d. bear

) 8. b. five c. face d. four

) 9. a. see c. like

) 10. b. bird c. touch d. open

四、读算式,选答案,将序号写在横线上。 (6分)

b. seven c. three d. five e. ten f. eight

1. two + four2. nine ÷ three

3. fournine + three

5one = six × four


)how old are you? a. ten gifts.

)how many gifts? b. sure. here you are.

) i’d like some orange juice, please. c. thank you.

)can i h**e some juice? d. i’m fine, thank you.

)how are you? e. great!

)h**e some bread. f. no, thanks.

)happy birthday! g. here you are.

)let’s eat the cake. h. i’m 10.


1. -how___you? (old are, are) -i’m five.

2is your name? (where ,what) -my name’s mike.


) i h**e a some mike? sarah

you . wele. here you are. like mike . 2. zip:hello,zoom!happy birthday! zoom

a. hi, nice to meet you . morning.

you,zip! are you ,zip.

p>( how old are you ? zoom

nine years old . zoom. like bread.

) seven.

a:what's your name ? i h**e a look?

many gifts? are you?

) many books? zoom




morning. are you ?

to meet you . d. good afternoon.

2) 当李雷知道明天是李明的生日时,他该说:(

to meet you ! teachers’day !

c. happy birthday to you!


are you ? old are you?

many gifts? your name?


. you .



you you are wele


i h**e some juice? i h**e a look?

some juice,please! you are!


i h**e some coke? me the coke!

me the coke. like coke.


are you ? old are you?

many book? your name?


h**e two gifts. h**e three gifts.

h**e four gifts. h**e five gifts.

) 6.这是给你的蛋糕,李雷。

cake is for you, li lei. a cake , li lei.

i h**e a cake ,li lei . like cake ,li lei.


eat the cake. lilei:great!

happy birthday to you, kate ! kate:thank you .

:hello, kate. this is my friend tom.

kate:nice to meet you.

tom:nice to meet you ,too.

how old are you? kate: i’m nine.



l v rj p rr

ss n c

q h k


writing part笔试部分 40分 一 看 补全单词,并把首字母的大写和小写形式写在四线格上。6分 二。read find and choose.看图,选择正确的单词并将序号写在题前括号里。ear eye hand face nose arm leg foot 三 look and choos...


句子练习。class 班级 name 姓名。一 根据所给的情景选出正确的句子。1 当你把你爸爸介绍给misswu时,你应说。2.我国国旗的颜色有 3.别人赞扬你的东西很漂亮时,你应该说。a thankyou.4.询问别人的年龄,你应该说。5.当你向别人提议 我们上学去吧!时,应该说。6.早上和同学见...


aa ant 蚂蚁 apple 苹果。bb book 书 bag 包。cc cat 猫 crayon 蜡笔。dd dog 狗 duck 鸭子。ee egg 蛋 elephant 大象。ff face 脸 foot 脚。gg green 绿色 gift 礼物。hh hand 手 hi 你好。ii ic...