年审定三年级英语期中检测题 名校内部

发布 2022-11-12 15:49:28 阅读 5844






1. ab.

2. ab.

3. ab.

4. ab.

5. ab.

6. a. b.


四.听音判断,对的写“t”,错的写“f”。(10分)1. (hello, i’m daming.

2. (good morning, boys and girls.

3. (point to the blackboard.

4. (now it’s red, blue, yellow and orange.


sit down, please..

what’s your name?

hello, ms smart. i’m sam.

thank you.

how are you?


一、 看图,请圈出相应单词的序号。(10分)1. a.

hello b. girl c. boy2.

a. cap b. hat c.

cat3. a. one b.

six c. nine4. a.

panda b. bird c. dog5.

a. chair b. desk c.


10分) ) 1. -good morning.

a. good morning b. good afternoon) 2. –good bye, amy

a. hello b. bye-bye

i’m fine, thank you.

a. what’s your name b. how are you) 4. i’mpanda.

a. a b. an

) 5.英语课上,当你回答完老师的问题时,老师会说。

a. stand up, please. b. sit down, please.

三、看图选数字。(把正确答案的序号写在题前括号)10分) 1a. five

2b. three

3c. four

4d. six


1. i’m fine, tooa. 有多少只黑色的狗。

2. stand up, pleaseb. 我也很好。

3. how many black dogs? c. 请起立。

4. point to the deskd.这是一只绿色的猫。

5. it’s a green cat. e. 指向桌子。

五、判断,**与举行表达意思相符的画“√”不符的画“х”10分)) 1stand up

)2point to the desk.

)3point to the chair.

) 4、 point to the blackboard.

)5. hi, mr li .


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