
发布 2022-11-02 20:23:28 阅读 5381







( )are they talking about? they are talking about their __

( )did frank do on saturday? he __

has clothes tennis his uncle and aunt

( )did frank go to the mountain with? _

pother family friends

( )did linda study for a math test? in the __

( )did linda feel more interesting in the evening? because she __

her room

to the movies

a party




( )want to be an __when i grow up because i like painting.


( )launched(发射)its third manned spacecraft shenzhou vii successfully __september 25,2008.

( )boy is very lazy. he __washes his shoes.

ever ( )m very __i want to drink some water.

( )the volleyball match yesterday! that was really an exciting match.

( )21.--do your parents go shopping?

--twice a week.

long often time

( )22.__it was very cold, _the boys went to play soccer.

but / although d./,although

( )23.--what does your sister look like?

--she is __than i.

beautiful beautiful most beautiful

( )24.--what's mary doing?

--she's babysitting her little sister.

--you mean she's __her little sister. what a good girl!

after for at out

( )25.--is there __in this bag?

--yes, there is __in it.

something anything

something anything

( )can't go shopping with us because she has __homework to do.

too too much many

( )27.--does your mother go to work every day?

--she walks to the bus stop, then she takes the bus.

far often long

( )28.--hi, alice! where were you last night?

--i __to the moves with my parents.

( )29.--what are you doing for vacation, linda?

--i __my grandparents in shanghai.


( )30.--i h**e a bad cold. i'm feeling terrible.

you should go to see a doctor.

sounds great

a 'm sorry to hear that



today more and more people begin to care about young people's mental(心理的) health. young people usually h**e many 31 with their mind(头脑). some students become worried because they 32 stud very hard and get high grades.

33 a junior 2 student from hefei found that he couldn't follow his teacher in class, he started to cut his fingers 34 a knife. 35 student, 14 years old, from guangzhou, was always worried about her exams very much. when she looked at the exam *****, she couldn't think of 36 .

many students who h**e problems don't 37 go for help, because they think if they go to see a doctor, others will know their secrets.

liang yuezhou, a doctor from beijing hospital, gives the following 38 to young people: 39 to your parents or teacher;

go to see a doctor if you feel 40 or ill;


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