九年级英语摸底试卷 含答案

发布 2022-07-31 16:59:28 阅读 8542





1. abc

2. abc

3abc4. abc

5. abc




6. what’s wrong with the man?

a. he is sickb. he is hungry. c. he is tired.

7. why is his wife so busy?

a. because she has started working on charity.

b. because she has to cook for her husband.

c. because she has lots of housework to do at home.


8. where does the woman want to go?

a. the bus station. b. the supermarket. c. the flower shop.

9. how can she go there?

a. by busb. by underground. c. we don’t know.

10. the bus stop is on the left of the road, isn’t it?

a. yes, it is. b.

no. it’s on the left of the flower shop. c.

the dialogue doesn’t tell us.


11. how will the man spend the coming holiday?

a. by tr**eling. b. by talking with his friend. c. by staying at home.

12. what’s the weather like in summer in nanjing ?

a. it’s hotter than beijing. b.

it’s cooler than beijing. c. it’s as hot as beijing.

13. which is the best season to tr**el in nanjing ?

a. winterb. summerc. spring.

14. which place of interest is not mentioned?

a. yuejiang tower. b. the olympic centre. c. muochou lake park.

15. what can the man do in xuanwu lake park?

a. he can play with animals.

b. he can swim in the river.

c. he can enjoy the beautiful scenery.

听第9段材料, 回答16~20题。

16.when did the boy start to h**e a dream for the future ?

a. at 5. b. at 10 c. at 13.

17. what did the boy get at the age of 9 ?

a. a ping-pong table. b. a big meal. c. a lot of money.

18. why did the boy give up the dream of going to the moon ?

a. because he wanted to play basketball with his friends.

b. because his classmates showed no interest in space.

c. because he disliked staying in space.

19. what did the boy decide to do after he finished the college ?

a. to study hard. b. to do many useful things. c. to learn about business.

20. what do you think of the boy according to the passage ?

a. modest. b. imaginative. c. organized.



knows there was a serious earthquake __2:28pm __may 12th, 2008

sichuan province.

in ,at b. at ,on, inc. in, at ,on d .on,at, in

22. –they h**e a lot of rules at their house.

a. so do i b. so we do c. so h**e i d. so i h**e

23. –could you tell me___

--sorry, i don’t know.

a. when does the train arrive b. when the train arrives

c. when arrives the train d. the train when arrives

24. i h**e ever __the great wall twice. it is an __place.

a. been to; excited b. gone to; exciting

c. been to; exciting d. gone to; excited

25. he walked __fast for us __catch up with.

a. so; that b. such; that c. enough; to d too; to

26. _the maths problem is difficult, i’ll try very hard to work it out.

a. though b. when c. before d. after

27,–why did the policeman stop us?

he told us not __so fast in the street.

a. drive b. driving c. to drive d. drove

28、we found __necessary to protect the environment.

a. it b. this c. that d. what

2 9,how nice the jean is! can i

a. try it on b. put on itc. put it out d . try on it

30.--what time is it now, tina?

oh, my dear! you’ll be late for the meeting __you take a taxi.

a. unless b. untilc. thatd. so

31, it is __difficult work that we can't finish it in a short time.


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九年级语文试卷 含答案

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