学年高三英语寒假作业 一 版含答案

发布 2022-10-22 00:06:28 阅读 4248



tried to___劝说) his father to give up smoking, but he failed.

is too much暴力)on tv.

all爆发出)into wild laughter.

04. they装饰)the room with flowers and balloons.

walked along in the shadows, hoping no one would __认出) him.

island originally属于)to india is occupied by britain now.

students in our class should be关心)about each other.

long h**e youfrom (忍受)a headache?

he was a child, he (更喜欢) to swim.

is known to all, the news from cctv is the most (可信赖的).


01. if you want to sell this product well, i advise you to ait in the news***** or on tv.

02. the project should be完成)within a year.

03. nearly all the ato the palace were guarded by the soldiers.

04. group a g**e有说服力的)opinion and won the debate.[**。

05. the writer tr**eled throughout the country to phis latest novel.

06. the food was good but the服务)was slow.

07. what she has in mind is beyond想象力).no one can tell what she will do next.[**数理化网]

08. everyone’s fingerprints are u

09. if you ca crime, you will never escape being punished.

10. when he woke up, tom found himself躺)in the farmer’s house.

11. the supermarket __声称)that they h**e the freshest food.

12. our company always thinks for消费者).

13. we must be aof our present situation.

14. the company has over 500 stores全国性的).

15. after the war, a mto the dead was raised in tiananmen square.

16. years of fighting h**e left iraq in r

17. you can go out to play on c___that you finish your home work.

18. ushe didn’t pass the driving test though she tried hard.

19. b __in the book, the mother didn’t heard the girl crying.

20. shanghai as well as guangzhou is a商业的)city of china.


made an道歉)to his manager for his being late.

walked because they couldn’t (付得起) a taxi.

03. tomorrow will be my mother’s四十) birthday.

the support of the majority requires __耐心),energy and devotion.[**:数理化网]

girl walked自信地) on to the stage, ready for her first speech. [**。

cannot le**e the country without允许)

the funny story, we burst out __大笑).

008. smith went to chicago for___技术)training.

children are好奇的) about everything they see and meet.

order to reduce the toll of death and disease from tobacco, they h**e限制) its production.


01. professor li is very热心) about his teaching01**。

02. her teaching is not like that of my以前) teacher. 02

03. the __表现) of the students in class shows they like her. 03

04. the少年) felt unhappy because their team failed. 04

05. your listening理解) needs improving. 05

06. they looked at the car until it消失) in the darkness. 06

07. history is not an学术) subject. 07

08. secondary school in the us usually包含) seven years. 08

09. his厌倦) speech made us sleepy. 09

10. he always鼓励) us when we failed. 10



the fpoint of the water is 0℃

the fire, 060 percent of the houses were d

experts h**e fanother sandstorm in a week’s time there.

are all c __about his safety.

is all agreed that the pigeon is the s___of peace.

exchange program between the uk and china may affect various school变化) from kindergartens to high school.

气氛)over dinner was warm and friendly.

想起)to him that he had left his laptop in the hotel.

has no以前的)experience of this kind of job.


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