
发布 2022-08-18 10:36:28 阅读 6517

unit 14短语汉译。

section a

a beach vacation海滩度假sightseeing in a city城市观光bathing suit/ beach towels泳装,浴袍/浴巾a suit of clothes一套衣服pack sth/ the camera打包某物/装相机lock the windows锁门water the plants给植物浇水。

buy a tr**el guidebook/ street map买一本旅行手册/一张街区地图clean out the refrigerator/cupboard洗冰箱/橱柜clean up the park清扫公园。

put sth. in the garage/ suitcase把……放在车库/小提箱里do most of the jobs完成大多数工作in a minute=immediately=at once立即/马上=right away/nowfeed the cat喂猫。

feed sb. with sth.= feed sth. to sb.用……喂养/饲养……feed on…以……为食品get back to +sp.回到某地。

get back to sb =answer the letter=reply to sb给某人回信do chores=do the housework做家务h**e many chores to do有许多家务要做take the dog for a walk遛狗go for a walk去散步h**e a walk with sb和某人去散步chat to/with sb与某人聊天chop wood/trees木头/砍树cut sth down砍倒某物。


light the fire for breakfast生火做饭collect the water from the well从井中取水live/work on the farm住在农场/在农场工作science project自然科学作业section b

write original songs写新颖的歌win an award of any kind获得…的奖项h**e/ hold concerts举办**会be on tv/ appear on tv上电视/在电视上出现show up出现。

on the music scene在**舞台in the last/ past twelve years在过去一年里make a hit cd/movie制作一张非常成功的cd/电影make a music vedio出**带。

go on a world tour进行环球巡回演出lead singer/actor主唱/主演lead sb to do sth引导某人做某事play mostly one’s own songs主要演奏自己的歌曲in the top ten前十名h**e a number one hit得第一名be off=go away离开write a poem写一首诗self check

find out查明白,弄清楚it’s one’s turn to do sth轮到某人做某事do sth in turns= take turns to do sth.轮流做某事get the mail from the mail box从邮箱里收取邮件a tall tree of long roots有很长根的树overseas chinese华侨in search of roots追述根源。


local government当地**so far到目前为止。

look for one’s families’ roots寻找某人家族的根源some parts in southern china=in the south of china在华南的一些地区go to their ancestors’ village去他们祖先的村庄experience the village life体验乡村生活drink from the well从井中取水喝。

do one’s daily activities进行某人的日常活动thanks to sb多亏了某人thank sb for doing sth为…而感谢某人believe in sb.= trust sb.信任某人believe sb.

相信某人说的话the purpose of sth/doing sth做某事的目的step by step一步一步。

look forwards to sth./ doing sth.期待某事/做某事be/get ready for sth/doing sth准备好做某事= be / get ready to do sth.

a family tree家谱。



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