
发布 2022-08-15 18:01:28 阅读 6219

2013-- 2014学年度第一学期月考。



一、 听力部分(30分)



1. where does the boy come from?

c2. which card can mr. green get today?

a. bcdoes the man do every morning?

a. bcsign is mentioned in the dialogue?

a. b.c.

5. what do they like to do?

a. b. c.


6. went to work by car. b.

i stay there for half a year. c. because i worked there.

i’m afraid of you. b. certainly, what would you like me to do?

c. certainly, here you are.

8. a. for h**ing a cup of tea. b. for buying tickets. c. for posting a letter.

no, i can’t help you. b. let me help you.

which color do you like? c. oh, you h**en’t changed your mind, h**e you?

10. a. it was tuesday. b. it is may 1st. c. it was april 4th.



11. what’s jenny?

a. a teacher. b. a doctor. c. a greener person.

12. what will sally and tony do tomorrow?

a. go hiking. b. plant trees. c. go fishing.


13. how does helen go to school now?

a. by bike. b. by bus. c. by car.

14. how far is dale’s house from school?

a. about five kilometers. b. about ten minutes by bike. c. about ten kilometers.

15. why does dale go to school by bike?

a. because he doesn’t like to take a car.

b. because there is too much pollution in buses.

c. because he wants to help reduce air pollution.





1it rains he**ily, _the farmers are still working on the farm.

a. though; /b. but; though c. although; but d. /though

h**e finished that task very well __your help.

a. under b. with c. in d. for

only lin tao but also tom __hainan. they are talking about it now.

a. h**e gone to b. has gone to c. h**e been to d. has been to

4.-what are you talking about?-i’m considering __a new bike.

a. buy b. to buy c. bought d. buying

5. –yanhe is becoming more and more beautiful

a. so do i b. so it is c. so is it d. so do it

6. miss lee told us the moon __around the earth.

a. moves b. moving c. moved d. is moving

were always together. he saw __she saw.

a. anything b. nothing c. something d. everything

8. he asked me

a. what are you doing when tom le**es? b. what you are doing when tom le**es?

c. what were you doing when tom le**es? d. that what you were doing when tom left?

are __students on the playground and seven __girls are in them.

a. hundred; hundreds of b. hundreds of; hundred

c. hundred; hundred d. hundreds of; hundreds

___him le**ing

a. looked at; myself b. looked; himself c. saw; himself d. saw; myself

has __friends there that she often feels lonely.

a. such few b. so few c. such many d. so many

12.- will you please help me with my english

a. excuse me. i’m afraid not b. i’m sorry to hear that

c. it’s very nice of you d. certainly. i’d be glad to

temperature in the day-time is higher than __at night.

a. that b. those c. one d. it

14.-oh, you’re late again. the film __for ten minutes. –what a pity!

a. has begun b. began c. has been on d. h**e been on

15. english is spoken __second language by many people.

a. as b. with c. by d. in


once there was a father and a son. they were ill-tempered(坏脾气的) and never g**e way to others.

one day the father decided to 16 some friends to dinner in his house.


1 下列词语中加点的字注音全对的一项是 a 妖娆 r o 襁褓 qi ng 稍逊 x n b 栖息 q 喑哑 n 田圃 p c 陨落 y n 恪尽职守 g 折腰 zh d 滞留 zh 强聒不舍 gu 骈进 b ng 2 下列词语书写全对的一项是 a 亵读红妆素裹温声细语。b 灵柩老羞成怒黎明百姓。c...


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