
发布 2022-08-12 17:41:28 阅读 3266

1)while i was there,she knocked a flower pot from her window by accident.

(1)knock 作动词敲;碰撞;碰倒;撞倒。 其短语有;

knock at/on 敲~~~

knock sth,down/over 打翻,撞倒。


knock into 撞到~~~上。

knock~~~in to~~把~~~敲进。如。

it's polite to knock at/on the door before you go into the teachers' office.


the man rushed out and knocked down/over a chair.


jack knocked a bottle of ink off marry's desk when he was walking past.


the car knocked a nail into the boared with a hammer.


(2)by accident(=accidentally)偶然地;意外地。

i met one of my friends at the airport by accident.


2)it broke on the ground below and narrowly missed some children at play.

at play 在玩耍。如。

we can hear the happy sounds of children at play. 我们可以听到儿童游戏时欢乐的声音。

play 作名词游戏,玩耍,戏剧。如。

his life is all work and no play他的生活是只知道工作没有娱乐。

she has just written a new play她刚写完一部新剧。

3)no one was hurt,so we said nothing and left for the cinema.

(1)hurt 作动词 (使)受伤。 过去式和过去分词都是hurt.如。

i didn't mean to hurt you.我不是故意伤害你。

i hurt my toes,so i'm not able to take part in today's basketball game. 我的脚趾受伤了,因此不能参加今天的篮球赛。

2) le**e for 出发去(某地)

we'll stay in the city for two days,then le**e for tokyo.


4)amy was too afraid to talk to the police.


he was too young to go to school.=he was so young that he couldn't go to school.


5)now i feel guilty and don't know what to do ~~

what to do 做什么, 这是“特殊疑问词+动词不定式”形式。如。

we h**en't know where to go next. 我们还不知道下一步去那里。

6)however,the bigger boys just followed him and continued their bullying.

(1)however 作副词 “虽然如此;无论如何;不管怎样;然而”在句中表示转折关系。如;

we h**en't won yet,however,we shall try again.


(2)continue 作动词连续,继续。

the battle continued for several hours until darkness came.


can we continue tr**eling? 我们能继续旅行吗?

7)i'm not strong enough and i hate violent beh**iour.

(1)violent 形容词。 暴力引起的;粗暴;剧烈的,强烈的。如。

teenagers should learn to protect themselves from violent gangs.


there was a violent storm while they were climbing the mountain.


they laid violent hands on him.


the violent winds buried the village in sand.


violence 作名词。 暴力(行为)

there is too much violence on tv.


(2)beh**iour 作名词行为,举止。如;

we need to question our own beh**iour. 我们需要反省自己的行为。

his beh**iour has damaged the image of medical workers.


8)i g**e her a 100-yuan note to pay for a bottle of water.

pay 作动词 pay for 付款,pay some money for sth. 付钱买某物。如。

i paid ten yuan for his book. 我花了十元钱买了这本书。

【拓展】pay~~for 可以与spend~~~on互换。

上句可变为 i spend ten yuan on his book.

i spent ten yuan on this book.

9)she was so busy complaining that she g**e me an extra20--yuan note in my change by mistakes.

(1)be busy doing sth .忙于做某事。如;

jame is busy serving her guests.

be busy with sth .忙于某事。如。

the farmers are all busy with autumn harvest. 农民们都再忙于秋收。

(2)by mistakes 错位地。 如。

i took you schoolbag by mistakes. 我错拿了你的书包。

the men was sent to the hospital for h**ing eaten bad food by mistake.



she was so shy that she couldn't say a word. 她如此害羞以致一句话都说不出来。

10) when i noticed the error,i went back and tried to tell her about it.

(1)error 作名词错误。 如;

he felt bad when he realized his error. 当他意识到她的错误时,他很难过。

there are many errors in your homework. 你的作业里有很多的错误。

2) try to do sth . 尽力做某事。 如。

she tried to learn english well他尽力学好英语。

try doing sth. 尝试做某事。 如。

why not try using another way?


11) i can't make it at three,but i can manage four.

1) make it 约定时间(常与can,let 等词连用)。如;

let's make it at seven o'clock on tuesday morning at my office.


--when shall we meet again? 我们什么时候再次碰头?

--make it any day you like. 随你定在哪天。

拓展】 make it 还可以表示及时抵达,成功,做到等。如;

i won't be able to make it home at christmas.


he 'll make it because he's got a rich daddy. 他准会成功的,因为他有一个有钱的爸爸。

(2)manage 设法做到。


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