前黄初中九年级上U3 4

发布 2022-08-09 01:26:28 阅读 4676


年级:grade 9 学科:英语班级:__姓名:__

课题:unit 3 vocabulary (编号)yy034 主创者:徐敏。

一、 学习目标:1、进一步复习reading 及get作为实意动词和系动词的用法。

2、 熟练掌握用get谈论问题。





5) 感到伤心6)获得低分。

7) 有许多俱乐部活动8)课后。

9) 有许多车辆10)复习迎考。

2、自读:完成part a and part b on page 48.

3、翻译下列难句:(1)i know homework is important, but iwhen there is too much to do because i won’t h**e time for my hobbies

2) i usually join in some activities after school, and then i

3) there is always a lot of traffic on the road


1、speak out as many phrases as you can with “get”

2、补充:h**e and take

thank you for h**ing me! h**e a good time, h**e a party, h**e a book, h**e some coffee we are going to take a house in new york. i will take your advice.

please take him to the zoo.

it take me 3hours to finish it. take actions



1)where did you get that skirt?

2) go and get your breakfast.

3) i got a lot from the story.

4) let me go and get the doctor

5) every day we get a lot of homework to do.

6) li ming doesn't study hard, so he often gets low marks in test.

7) you should get your friends to help you.

8) dad has gone to hong kong. he got there last night.

二)用get a good mark, get some help from, get enough sleep, get excited, get a bus, get married填空。

unclelast year.

you hear simonin the exam?

didn’tdid you?

audiencewhen they saw xiao shenyang.

fatherto work every day.

wemr zhang?










二) 同义句改写。

1. look! she is getting on the bus. look! she isa bus.

2. mum got home very late yesterday because she got much work to do.

mum __home very late yesterday because she __much work to do.

3. i wonder what i can do. iwhat

4. to water the flowers once a day is necessary.

the flowers once a day.

5. where did you get these shoes? where did you __these shoes?

6. i didn’t get what you said. could you speak a little louder?

i didn’t __what you said. could you speak a little louder?

三) 选出与划线部分意思相近的选项。

)1. no matter where you go, you can see some people doing exercises.

a. wherever b. whenever c. whatever d. however

)2. tina is late for school today. a. is in school early b. gets to school late

c. is at school early d. arrives at school early

)3. in big cities, there is much traffic in the streets.

a. a lot of b. many c. several d. large number of

)4. the teacher got very angry after going over his homework..

a. became b. came c. had d. caught

)5. did you receive a letter from your pen friend yesterday?

a. hear b. reach c. send d. get

四) 词型变换。

1. will you接受) his suggestion?

2. h**e you接收) his invitation yet?

3. the activities make our lifecolour).

4. howbore) the film we saw at the grand cinema was?

5. _he just __deal) with the housing problem?

6. china is __large) than any other __city) in the world.

7. the boy wishes he能看) the match tomorrow.


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