
发布 2022-08-08 19:23:28 阅读 7261


)1. a. yes, i am. b. it’s on center street. c. no, there isn’t.

)2. a. she is she is at she likes swimming.

)3. a. i’m 16. b. a doctor. c. to paris.

)4. a. be why did he do so? c. i’m sorry to hear that.

)5. a. yes, i do. b. not at all. c. yes, please.

二)听下面5个小对话。每个对话后面有一个小题,从题中所给的a、b、c三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每个对话后,( 6.

what did the boy do last weekend?

a. he played chess. b. he read some books.

c. he played computer games.

) will lily spend her saturday?

a. at home. b. at a library. c. at a park.

) the pencil box made of?

a. ( )9. how old is the boy?

a. 8. b. 9c. 10.

) is the girl’s father going to buy?

a. a bike. b. some books. c. a bag


) 11. when did lucy call tom ?

a. last sunday. b. last friday . c. last saturday.

)12.what did tom do when lucy phoned him?

a.watched movie. b. bought tickets. c.did nothing.

)13.how did tom go out?

a.on foot. b. by bus. a taxi.

)14.what's the weather like that day?


)15.when will lucy and tom watch movie?

a.this evening. b.last friday evening. c.yesterday.

(四) 听下面一段独白。独白后有6个小题,从题中所给的a、b、c三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。

)16. where did my family live before i was 12 years old?

a. the city b. the town c. the mountains

)17. how long did i spend walking to school every morning?

a. half an hour b. one hour c. one and a half hours

)18. who could i meet on the way to school?

a. my friends b. my parents c. nobody

)19. how many students are there in my class?

a. 12 b. 20 c. 40

)20. what could i see there?

a. the seab. many high buildings c. many kinds of flowers.

答案: 11bacca


1. is there a hotel near here?

2. where is your mother?

3. what do you want to be?

4. jack has got a bad cold.

5. would you mind turning down the music?



6. w: what did you do last weekend?

m: i played computer games with my father

7. m: hi, you like to go to the library on saturday?

w: no, thanks. i think i’ll stay at home.

8. m: wowu!how beautiful the box is!,what’s it made of?

w:oh!that’s my f**ourite pencil is made of wood.

9. w: hi, my name is anna. i am nine. what about you?

m: hello, i am brain. i am one year younger than you.

10. m: what are you going to do this weekend?

w: we are going shopping, my mother is going to buy a new bag, my father wants to buy a new bike. and i am going to buy buy som books.


w: hello, this is lucy. may i speak to tom?

m: hello, lucy. this is tom speaking.

w: i phoned you last friday evening, but you were out.

m: oh, i wasn't at home last friday.

w: what did you do then?

m: i went to see a movie.

w: movie? it must be interesting.

m: yes, we had a good time.

w: who went with you?

m: one of my classmates, li ming.

w: but it's snowy that day?

m: yes, we took a taxi. after all, we had paid for the ticket.

w: i think so. next time call me to go with you. i like watching movie.

m: no problem. are you free this evening.

w: great! let's go.



before i was twelve years old, my family lived in the mountains. our house was far from my school. it took me one hour to walk to school every morning.

it was happy time for me, because i could meet friends on the way, and we would go to school together. there were just six classes in my school, and only about twenty students in each class. we spent most of our time playing, the mountains were our playground.

i still remember the different kinds of flowers, the songs of different birds, and the colors of trees in different seasons—everything was so interesting and beautiful. even now i still miss my life in the mountains.


篇一。1 不必刻意的陪伴,只需偶尔的相视一笑,如此自然,却又仿佛胜过千言万语。don t h e to be the company of deliberately,just occasionally a smile at oneanother,so naturally,but seemed mor...


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