
发布 2022-08-08 18:06:28 阅读 3197


注意事项:1. 本试题分两部分。考试时间为110分钟。试卷满分为110分。

2. 所有答案必须写在答题卷各题目指定区域内相应位置上。答案写在试卷其它部分无效。

第ⅰ卷 (客观题共70分)

一、听力测试 (本大题共20小题,每小题各1分,共20分)




1. where does kevin want to go during this spring festival?

abc.2. what subject does timmy like best?

abc.3. what will the weather be like tomorrow?

abc.4. what is d**id wearing?

abc.5. what time will the woman watch the concert?

a. 9:00-12:

30 on feb 12th. b. 8:

00-11:30 on feb 12th. c.

9:00-12:30 on feb 20th.

6. what does jason think of his school life?

a. stressed and boredb. exciting and colourful. c. lively and interesting.

7. what kind of movie does the man like best?

a. western filmsb. documentariesc. action movies.

8. what are they going to do this evening?

a. to listen to the pop music.

b. to go to the theatre.

c. to listen to beijing opera on the radio.

9. why isn’t betty allowed to drive her father’s car?

a. because she has to study for a text.

b. because she is not calm enough.

c. because she is not old enough.

10. how often does peter play basketball?

a. every dayb. neverc. twice a week.




11. when are they going to h**e a picnic?

a. next sundayb. this sundayc. tomorrow.

12. what is jane going to bring for a picnic?

a. a guitarb. a violinc. a camera.


13. a. squareb. parkc. supermarket

14. a. 88487669b. 88448996c. 88478696

15. a. a free ticketb. a free bagc. a special price


16. what will most burglars do to s**e themselves when they are in trouble?

a. they will run away. b. they will kill people. c. they will make up stories.

17. where does the story happen?

a. a small necklace shop. b. a big nice shopc. a small jewellery shop.

18. what was the man trying to take away one day?

a. a camerab. a necklacec. a gold ring.

19. at first what did the owner want to do when he caught the burglar?

a. to call the policeb. to throw him outc. to kill him.

20. how would the shop owner feel when the burglar asked for something cheaper?

a. he would feel very angry and would like to send him to the police.

b. he would feel sorry and went to get a cheaper one for him.

c. he would feel worried because he didn’t h**e anything cheaper.


21. do you thinkstory i told you yesterdayinteresting one?

a. a; theb. the; anc. a; and. the; a

22. i couldcontrol my feelings at the moment. the song reminded me ofmany memories.

a. really; sob. hardly; soc. really; suchd. hardly; such

23. —h**e you visited all the places of interest in wuxi?

almost. but ito the liyuan park.

a. h**e beenb. h**e gonec. h**en’t beend. h**en’t gone

24are crazy about listening to pop music in their spare time.

a. bill as well as dick and lucyb. neither victor nor tom

c. not only tim but also the twinsd. either anita or jack

25. it’s said that his father was attackeda mana knife.

a. with; withb. by; byc. by; withd. with; by

26everybody is here, let’s begin our meeting.

a. thoughb. sincec. becaused. while

27. —staying up late is bad for your health.

you are right. i decide to

a. give it upb. find it outc. turn it offd. take it down

28. —mr wu, could you tell me

you’d better do more speaking.

a. how i can improve my englishb. which way can i choose

c. how i do with my englishd. what’s wrong with my english

29. sherlock holmes is a very exciting film. it’s the third time that iit.

a. will seeb. seec. am going to see d. h**e seen

30concerts are never quite the same on the small screen.


2010 2011学年度上学期期末调研检测。英语试卷。考生注意 本试卷由试题卷和答题卡两部分组成,所有试题都需在答题卡上作答。本试题卷共四道大题,满分100分,时量90分钟。i.听力技能 三个部分,共20小题,计20分 第一节听句子选择 你将听到五个句子,请你根据听到的内容,选择相应的 听两遍。共5...


2017 2018学年度第一学期期末测试九年级试卷分析洪山镇洪山九年制学校李品艳。一 试卷的基本情况分析。本次考试卷主要考查的是人教版九年级上教学内容,注重考查英语基础知识和基本技能,又强调学生在实际中运用英语的能力,所涉及的知识点的面比较广,题目设计比较灵活。试卷只有有笔试部分,没有停留,共八大题...


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