
发布 2022-08-08 18:05:28 阅读 8639








二、三小节每小题2分,计25 分)


1. how does mary learn english ?

abc2. where would jeff like to tr**el ?

abc3. what did maggie use to look like?

abc4. what would the woman do if she had a lot of money?

abc5. which is tom’s f**orite invention?


a. 听下面一段较长的对话,回答第6-7两小题 。

6. where is the woman speaking?

a. at a hotelb. in the airportc. at home

7. how much money will they spend on the taxi in all?

a. four dollars b. ten dollars c. forty dollarsc. forty dollars

听下面一段较长的对话, 回答第8-10三个问题。

8. who is ann?

a. jack’s friend. friend. c. jane’s teacher.

9. why does everyone like ann?

a. because she is friendly and helpful. b. because she enjoys studying.

c. because they h**e the same interests.

10. what is jack going to do?

a. to join a club. b. to introduce annc. to go to a picnic.


11. a. scienceb. musicc. language

12. a. 706-6846b. 607-6846c. 706-6864

13. a. clubb. schoolc. family

14. a. teachersb. friendsc. foreigners

15. a. volunteersb. vacationsc. summer camps



16. —excuse me. where is the museum?

it is quite far. it will take you half __hour to go there by __bus.

a. anb. an; ac. ad. /

17. -nancy? you h**e straight hair !

yeah, it __be curly.

a. wanted to b. loved to c. used to d .helped to

18. it’s raining hard, so we h**e to __the sports meeting.

a. put down b. put offc. hold on d. take part in

19. -you’ve chatted for nearly two hours.

yeah. we’re talking about the things __happened yesterday.

a. whatb. thatc. whend. where

20. -what are you going to do this weekend ?

-- well, we’ll clean up the city parksit rains..

a. ifb untilc. whiled. unless

21. -are you coming to d**y’s party, kate ?

i’m not sure, igo to the movies instead.

a. wouldb. should c. mightd. must

22. -who is the girl in the picture ?

haha! it’s me! the pictureten years ago.

a. tookb. is taken c. was taken d. has taken

23. -don’t worry. your mother is coming to help you.

she doesn’t come and i am here alone?

a. what about b. what if c. why not d. how about

24. -i would like to go on a trip to hong kong this winter holiday.


a. okb. i’m afraid not c. h**e a nice time d. i hope so

25. -i think teenagers should be allowed to h**e part-time jobs.

studying is more important for them.

a. i agree. b. i disagreec. i don’t know d. me, too


nadya vessey, of auckland, new zealand, was born with an illness. so at the age of 16, 26 of her legs below the knees were cut off. one day when a little boy was watching _27 take off her prosthetic(假体的)legs, he asked her 28 she didn't h**e any legs.

thinking quickly she asked him whether he had read the little mermaid(美人鱼).he said“_29 .”so nadya told him that she was a mermaid. the little boy was 30 and said,"wow! that's so cool!

” and then he ran off to tell his dad.

the 31 of becoming a mermaid became clearer and clearer in nadya's mind. after 32 it over, she wrote to weta workshop in wellington to ask if they could 33 her. she never believed they actually would, so she was excited when she knew they_34 _.

weta workshop's manager, richard taylor, was very pleased to make it true, and wanted nadya to be _35 .


孝感市 2012 2013 八校联考。八年级英语试卷。命题人 徐俊学校 汉川市实验中学。第一卷客观题 选择题 80 分 听力部分 共20分 情景反应根据你听到的内容选择正确应答语。每小题读两遍。共5分,每小题1分 1.a.i went to the great wall b.it was terri...


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