
发布 2022-10-27 18:23:28 阅读 2005




第一卷客观题(选择题 80 分)



)1. a. i went to the great wall b. it was terrible c. i went there by bus

)2. a. booksb. clothesc. bananas

)3. a. yes, she didb. no, she wasn’t c. it’s an exciting job

)4. a. that’s a good ideab. drink lots of water c. that’s too bad

)5. a. the same to youb. h**e a good timec. it’s very kind of you


)6. a. they are in a shopb. they are at home c. they are in a park

)7. a. julia is going fishing with the boy

b. julia wants to do her homework

c. tony has to do his homework

)8. she is stressed outb. she can’t sleep well c. she has a cold

)9. a for henry’s helpb. for henry’s invitation henry’s visit

)10. a by bikeb. on footc. by bus


)11. a. apples, bananas and cream

b. apples, oranges and cream

c. apples, bananas ,oranges and cream

)12. a. a teaspoon of cup of itc. a bottle of it


)13. a. at 8:00 on saturday morning

b. at 8:00 on saturday evening

c. at 8:15 on sunday morning

)14. a. mathb. historyc. science

)15. a. her grandparentsb. her motherc. her grandmother


)16. a. an english teacher b. a math teacherc. a good student

)17. a. writing songsb. singing songsc. writing stories

)18. a. last termb. this termc. last year

)19. a. very wellb. just so-soc. very badly

)20. a. worriedb. angryc. thankful



iv 选择填空 (共20分,每小题1分)

)21.—are you going to beijing by __car?

no. i’m taking __train there.

a.ab.a, thec.thed./,the

)22.she looks tired and __h**e a rest.

a.need tob.needsc.needs tod.needing

)23.—_you buy __in the store

yes,i did.

a.did ;somethingb.did ;anything

c.do;somethingd.do ;anything

)24.the teacher is coming. please stop __and keep __

a.talking, quite b.to talk, quite c.talking, quiet d.to talk, quiet

)25.i want to watch tv. please help me __

a.turn on itb.turn off itc.turn it ond.turn it off

)26it’s saturday.”

a.what’s the dateb.what time is it

c.what day is it todayd.when is it?

)27.lin tao is as __as zhang hua.

a.strongb.strongerc.the strongest d.strongest

)28.han mei is my friend. she is __outgoing than me.

a.a little much b.much morec.muchd.many

)29.would you like __relish on the bread?

a.manyb.anyc.somed.a few

)30.—_you play football at school this morning?

no,i __

a.were; wasn't b.do; don'tc.did; didn'td.are; am not

)31.i h**e a good habit. i sleep for eight hours __every night.


)32.it __us to eat too much junk food.

a.is bad forb.is good forc.is good atd.is weak in

)33.-_does it take you to get to your school from your home?

five minutes

a.how soonb.what timec.how longd.how far

)34.in my town only __people can speak __english.

a.a little, little b.few, fewc.a few, a little d.little, few

)35.__he is rich, _he is unhappy.

a.although, but b.though, but c.althoughd.but,

)36.__bread is there on the tablei can see __

a.how many; fiveb.how much; fifth

c.how many ; five piecesd.how much : five pieces

)37.—can you come to my birthday party?

yes, i’d love to, _i h**e to look after my mother in hospital.


)38.—jim, can you help me to do some housework?

sorry, dad. i __to the shop.

a.goingb.wentc.am going d.goes

)39.—_do you take guitar lessons

twice a week.

a.how farb.how longc.how much d.how often

)40.i h**e two cousins. one is a teacher and __is a worker.

a.anotherb.the otherc.otherd.others


dear mary,

how are you ? did you 41 a good time last weekend ?

we had a day 42 this week. but i had a 43 day . i got up early in the morning but the 44 was very bad.

so i 45 to stay at home and helped my mom do housework. then i went to the gift shop and bought 46 gifts. after that ,i read a boring book and watched tv.

after lunch,my parents wanted to go 47 a drive, so i went with them. however,that wasn’t interesting, 48 . in the evening,my best friend 49 me to watch aninteresting movie 50 monkeys, but it wasn’t interesting at all.


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