
发布 2022-08-07 18:30:28 阅读 1237

unit 12 you’re supposed to shake hands.导学案。

、useful expressions:

1. shake hands 握手。

2. drop by one's home拜访= drop in at + 地点。

3. after all 毕竟。

4. pick up 捡起,拾起,开车接某人。

5. make noise 发出不愉快的声音、制造噪音。

6. table manners 餐桌礼仪。

7. learn by oneself 自学。

8. be supposed to do 被期望做某事。

should do 应该做某事。

9. greet sb. (in a right/wrong way ) 问侯。

10. shake hands (with sb.) 和某人握手。

11. different customs 不同的风俗。

12. kiss sb. (on the face/cheek/forehead) 亲吻脸/脸颊/前额。

13. feel/be relaxed/nervous 觉得轻松/紧张。

h**e relaxed/strict rules 有松/紧的规则。

14. drop by 访问 visit sb. 拜访。

come over 顺便来访

15. the land of sth./watches ……王国。

16. after all 毕竟 first of all 首先。

17. point at sb. 指向。

18. mind one's (table ) manners 注意……礼仪。

1) eat with hands 用手抓着吃。

2) talk at the table 在餐桌上讲话。

3) pick up one's bowl of rice 端起饭碗。

4) start eating first 先开始吃。

5) wipe one’s mouth with the napkin 用餐巾纸檫嘴。

6) make noise while eating 吃时发出声音。

(7) stick chopsticks into the food 用筷子插进食物里。

8) point at sb with the chopsticks 用筷子指向某人。

9) eat or drank while walking down the street 边走边喝。

10) put the hands in/on one's lap 把手放在大腿上。

11) say you're full 说吃饱了。

12) sit down from the left side 从右手边坐下。

19. be/get used to sb./doing sth. 习惯于。

be used to do sth. 被于用做某事。

used to do sth. 过去常常。

20. eat sth. with a fork/knife/spoon/chopsticks 用(餐具)吃。

21. feel/be full/hungry/empty 感觉很饱/饿。

be full of sth. =be filled with sth 充满/装满……

22. sth. occur (in sth.) 发生。

happen to sb. 发生在某人身上。

23. give sb. compliments 称赞某人。

24. toast sb. =make a toast to sb. 向某人敬酒。

25. be unfamiliar to sb./sth. 不熟悉某人/某物。

he looks familiar to me.

26. hold the spoon in the left/right hand 用左/右手握餐叉。

27. questions crowded my mind . 我脑袋里充满问题。

be crowded with people 挤满了人。

28. take out the rubbish/junk/garbage/litter/trash


drop litter about 乱丢垃圾。

29. seek sb./sth. 寻找/某人某物 i seek you. 我找你。

30. e-mail chat line 网上聊天**。

31. h**e online conversations with friends 和朋友上网聊天。

32. type quickly /slowly 打字快\慢。

33. form good habits 养成好习惯

34. combine sth. to sth. 把…和…结合。

35. use punctuation marks 使用标点符号记号。

36. show the emotion you are feeling 把你正感觉着的感情表现出来。

37. e-mail sb./a friend (v.) 传送电子邮件给某人。

send an e-mail to sb. (n.)

e-mail english 电子邮件英语。

38. write riddles 写迷语。

39. learn sth. by oneself 自学。

teach oneself

teach + sb.+ 学科教某人学科。

40. at the proper/right time 在合适的时间。

41. be pleased/happy/pleasant (物) =nice/pleasure

42. cut in line = jump in a queue 插队。

wait in line = wait in a queue 排队等待。

43. seat oneself = h**e a seat = sit down 就坐。

44. arrive a bit/a little late 迟到一点点。

45. be relaxed about sth. 对某事放松。

46. make plans to do sth.= plan to do sth. 计划做某事。

47. walk around 随意走, 四处走。

48. as many friends as i can/possible 尽可能多的朋友。

49. be + 分钟 + late 迟到(多久)

50. get/be angry with sb. 对某人生气。

get/be angry at sth. 对某事生气。

51. wear a fancy dress 穿一条迷人的裙子。

52. make some mistakes 犯错。

53. a disaster 一个灾难。

54. wear the wrong clothes 穿错衣服。

55. be excited about sth. 对某事很激动。

56. le**e for +目的地离开去……

57. how to use chopsticks 怎样使用筷子。

how to beh**e at the dinner table 怎样在餐桌上表现。

58. be allowed to do sth. 被允许做sth

59. what's more 而且。

60. thanks for 为……感谢。

61. exchange program 交换生项目。

62. no reason 没有理由。

63. host family 房东家。

64. be different from 不同于。

65. find/feel it + adj.+ to do sth. 发现\感觉某事。

66. h**e a good school year 过愉快的一学年。

67. older people 长辈。

68. eat meals 吃饭。

69. give compliments 称赞。

70. make appointments 约会。

71. give sb. lesson on sth. 给某人上关于……的课。

72. be made in + 地点由某地制造。

be made of/from 由……制成。

73. in a western restaurant 在一个西餐厅。

74. eat with + 餐具用……来吃。

75. begin with 从……开始。

76. hold the spoon in one's left hand 把汤匙放在左手边。

77. get/be bored 觉得厌烦。

78. can't stop doing sth. 忍不住做某事。

79. in the traditional way 用传统的方法。

80. make faces 做鬼脸。

81. a left/right bracket 左/右括号。

82. send a message to sb. on a mobile phone 用手机发短息给某人。

83. s**e time 省时。

84. written english 书面英语。



can you tell me the things i’m supposed to do?

what should i say?


i could give you a little lesson on … if you’d like.

you shouldn’t /should do….

the most important thing you need to know is….

you are not supposed to do….


what are you supposed to do when you meet someone?

what are you supposed to wear?

what are people in korea supposed to do when they meet for the first?

when were you supposed to arrive?


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