
发布 2020-02-21 05:36:28 阅读 7695

unit 1

1. help的用法。

及物动词 “帮助” help sb+动词原形/不定式或者用help with, 八单元有help out 这个短语。

不及物动词 “有效,有用” it helps a lot. does it help?

不可数名词,ask sb for help

2. too---to---

表示否定意思,the child is too young to go to school.

表示肯定意思, the story is too easy to understand.

too后面若是表示心情,情绪的词,如glad, pleased, happy, ready, easy,则多是表示肯定。too---to 表示否定的意思时,改成so---that---句型,一般用can’t或couldn’t 例,the box is so he**y that he can’t carry it.

he is too tired to walk on.

he is so tired that he can’t walk on.

3. 记住以下几个形式上相近的单词。

difficultdifficultly difficulty / difficulties

differentdifferentlydifference / differences


4.特殊句型 h**e +名词+动词ing形式。

we had fun playing basketball just now.

he has difficulty reading the letter.

5. by的用法。

① 通过---方式,途径。

he makes a living by selling news*****s.

② 交通方式 by bike , by bus

③ 在---之前,到---为止,分两种情况。

a, by后面是一个过去的时间, 则该句用过去完成时。

the film had been on ten minutes by ten o’clock this evening.

b, by的后面是一个将来的时间,则该句we will learn 1000 words by next saturday.

④ 在被动语态中用来表示动作的执行者。

the boy was hit by a car.

6.所有格不用 ’s, of 的词, 而是加 to

solution keyanswer

例如,i can’t think of any solution to her trouble.

7. mistake

①名词, make a mistake make mistakes by mistake

②动词, “误会” i often mistake him for my cousin.

8. 复句改不定式短语。

he wants to know when he should le**e. (主句和分句的主语是一个人)

he want to know when to le**e。


the girl wanted to know when her father would take her to paris.

the girl wanted to know when to be taken to paris.

9. 宾语前置, 介词不丢。

i often practice english with my partner.( partner是with的宾语)

i don’t h**e a partner to practice english with. (with要保留)

i need a pen to write with.

i need some ***** to write on.

10. be popular with sb

the teachers are popular with us.

11. how --deal with 怎样处理。

what---do with 怎么处理。

12. 把---比作什么,把---与 --相比。

we often compare children to flowers.

13. regard---as---把---看作什么。

he regards his physical problems as unimportant.


unit2重点短语小练习。自我归纳 英汉互译。9.捉弄某人。10.关心。11.最终成为 最后处于。12.期盼某人做某事。13.提醒某人某事 使某人记起某事。14.醒来。15.需要帮助的。16.下蛋。17.不但 而且 学以致用 根据句意及汉语提示,填写适当的短语完成句子。大声喊叫 hisnamewhe...


unit 2 1.我以前害怕黑天。2.他以前常穿牛仔裤。3.等一会儿。4.你以前很矮,是不是?5.你以前常弹钢琴吗?6.我以前不喜欢测试。7.这里有很多人害怕的东西的清单。8.体育课 9.嚼口香糖 10.他最大的问题是他太忙。11.整天呆在学校 12.花很多时间玩游戏很傻。13.怀念旧时光。14.在...


unit 1 how do you study for a test 1 重点词汇。n.发音 pronounce v.2.differently adv.different adj.difference n.differ v.3.quickly adv.迅速地 quick adj.反义词 slowl...