
发布 2020-02-21 06:11:28 阅读 2517

unit l how do you study for a test?


本单元围绕“learning how to learn”这一话题展开教学活动,帮助学生学会用“verb +by with gerund”的表达方式**学习英语的策略,认清自己在学习方面的长处和不足。本单元的话题跟学生的学习生活有密切联系,学生很感兴趣,也容易理解。通过对一些学习话题的讨论,让学生明白英语学习的重要性,并能根据所学知识进行交流和学习,了解哪些学习方法适合自己,从而有效地提高英语成绩。

同时,也让学生学会面对困难,学会解决问题, 养成良好的学习习惯,善于向同学、朋友、老师学习更好的方法,能给他人提出适当的解决方法,树立学好英语的信心。

本单元的核心语言项目是“talk about how to study”。由section a的“talk about how students usually study for a test”,到 section b的 talk about the things that h**e helped you the most in learning another language”,以及拓展阅读“how do we deal with our problems?”,教材始终围绕话题,展开一系列听、说、读、写活动。

二、 学情分析。

学生已积累了较丰富的语言基础知识,且本单元的话题“learning how to learn、“learning how to deal with your problems”又源于实际的学习生活,因此学生的学习积极性会很高。通过本单元的学习,学会谈论学习生活中遇到的困惑和烦恼,并进行更深入的经验交流,有利于延伸和拓展知识范围,培养解决实际问题的能力。



1)能够介绍‘自己的学习方法,如:i study by working with friends.

2)能够谈论学习中遇到的困难,如:i can’t understand spoken english and pronounce some of the words.

3)能够针对学习中遇到的困难给别人提建议,如:why don’t you join an english language club?

4)能够评价学习方法,如:the best way to learn new words is by reading english magazines.;


1)熟练运用“verb + by with gerund”的表达方式谈论各种学习方法,如:i study by working with my classmates.

2)熟练运用how引导的特殊疑问句谈论学习中遇到的问题,如:how do you study for a test? how do we deal with our problems?

3)熟练运用“why don’t you…?/you should…/maybe…”等句型给学习有困难的同学提供建议,如: why don’t you join an english club?

maybe you should join an english club.










2)交际策略:通过问卷调查、采访等活动,培养相互合作交道的捧堅; 。




1)重点词汇: aloud, pronunciation, differently, quickly, pronounce, slowly, mistake, realize,matter, afraid, complete, secret, term, trouble, fast, soft, deal, unless, regard, duty, easily, influence, friendship, lose, development, face, soldier;

2)重点句型:how do you study for tests?

well, i study by working with my classmates.

h**e you ever studied with a group?

yes, i h**e. i’ve learned a lot that way.

i don’t h**e a partner to practice english with.

maybe you should join an english club.

3)话题:learning how to learn.


正确运用“verb + by with gerund”的表达方式谈论学习中的困难,并提出相应的建议。


5课时。unit l how do you study for a test?

period 1 (section a la-2c)

topic:how do you study for an english test

function:talk about the ways of learning english

vocabulary:flashcard, vocabulary, aloud, pronunciation

structure:how do you study for a test? i study by ****** flashcards.

how do you learn english? i learn by studying with a group.

do you learn english by reading aloud? yes, i do.


grammar:verb + by with gerund

teaching aids:multi-media, some pictures, a recorder

teaching process:

step l: warming up

talk about the past summer vacation with ss.

t: hello, everyone! nice to meet you in the new term. how about your summer vacation?

sl: wonderful. during the vacation, i went to hangzhou, hainan with my family.

i visited the west lake.

s2: i studied english with the help of my tutor. my english really improved a lot.

t: i want to know what you study for?

s2: for the test. /for further study. /to improve ourselves…

t: of course, we cannot study only for entrance examinations. but to be frank, the most important goal for us to study is to pass the exam.

then how should we study for a test? today we‘it focus on the topic and find out the better ways to improve our english.

step 2: presentation

t: we know it is not easy to learn english well. different students use different ways to learn it.

now please look at the pictures and answer my questions: (show a few pictures one by one.) how does he /she (do they) study english well.?

s1: she studies english by asking the teacher for help.

s2: she studies english by watching english vcds.

s3: she studies it by computer.

s4: they study it by taking part in extra english classes.

s5: he studies it by listening to cassettes.

t: very good. how do you study english well? can you tell me ?


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