
发布 2020-02-21 05:47:28 阅读 8683


1. 制作词汇表 make vocabulary lists

2. 为考试而学习 study for a test

3. 看英文光碟 watch english—language videos

4. 和朋友练习对话 practice conversations with friends

5. 小组学习 study with a group

6. 用英语写日记 keep a diary in english

7. 作笔记take notes

8. 处理 deal with

9. 害怕做某事be afraid / terrified to do

10. 一点也不not at all

11. 大声朗读练习发音read aloud to practice pronunciation

12. 在字典中查新单词 look up new words in a dictionary

13. 把。。。当作。。。regard … as …

14. 将…和….相比较 compare … with …

15. 做某事最好的办法 the best way to do

16. 犯错 make mistakes

17. 首先 first of all

18. 以做某事告终end up doing

19. 做一个关于…的调查 do a survey about

20. 嘲笑(某人) laugh at

21. 时间流逝 time goes by

22. 说本族语的人native speaker

23. 后来later on

24. 组成make up

25. 放弃give up

26. 决定不做 decide not to do

27. 对做某事感到兴奋get excited about


1、你怎样为考试而学习 how do you study for a test?

2、我学习通过听磁带 i study by listening to tapes


do you ever learn english by ****** flash cards ?


yes, i do . it improves my speaking skills.


unless we deal with our problems, we can easily become unhappy.


she said that memorizing the words of pop songs also helped a little


i can’t get the pronunciation right.


she had trouble/ difficulties/problems ****** complete sentences


you should write down new english words in a vocabulary list.


the best way to improve your english is to join an english club.

10、你怎样处理你的问题 how do we deal with our problems?


1、grace learns english by reading aloud.(对画线部分提问)

grace learn english?

2、it is impossible that a child can lift such a he**y box(改为同义词)

it is impossible for a childsuch a he**y box

3、james spent ten years in ****** this amazing film(改成同义词)

took james ten yearsthis amazing film



students in school feel they h**ework


iitif you don’t understand that word.


our teacher , he hasgreat __

五,选填。1do you improve your listening?

--i improve my listening __watching english movies.

a. what, by b. how, by c. where, on d. when, on

2)usually we get __about something and end up __in chinese.

a. exciting, speaking b. exciting, speak

c. excited, speaking d. excited, speak

3)he’s been learning english __five years.

a. in b. ago c. for d. since

4)--i’m worried, jim. i don’t know how__ writing.

--don’t worry! why not __a pen pal?

a. learn, to find b. learn, find

c. to learn, find d. to learn, to find


1) most of us learn english bystudy) our textbooks.

2) reading aloud can improve ourspeak) skills.

3) i am free now. what aboutgo) out for a walk?

4) a good dictionary ishelp) to your english-studying.

5) hearing they will see a moving, the students all gotexcite).

6) don’t speak tooquick), we can’t catch you.


unit2重点短语小练习。自我归纳 英汉互译。9.捉弄某人。10.关心。11.最终成为 最后处于。12.期盼某人做某事。13.提醒某人某事 使某人记起某事。14.醒来。15.需要帮助的。16.下蛋。17.不但 而且 学以致用 根据句意及汉语提示,填写适当的短语完成句子。大声喊叫 hisnamewhe...


unit 2 1.我以前害怕黑天。2.他以前常穿牛仔裤。3.等一会儿。4.你以前很矮,是不是?5.你以前常弹钢琴吗?6.我以前不喜欢测试。7.这里有很多人害怕的东西的清单。8.体育课 9.嚼口香糖 10.他最大的问题是他太忙。11.整天呆在学校 12.花很多时间玩游戏很傻。13.怀念旧时光。14.在...


unit 1 how do you study for a test 1 重点词汇。n.发音 pronounce v.2.differently adv.different adj.difference n.differ v.3.quickly adv.迅速地 quick adj.反义词 slowl...