
发布 2020-02-21 05:43:28 阅读 8043

a summary for unit 1, go for it! 九年级。

how do you study for a test?)

verbsadjectives & adverbs



1. we’ll repair it as qas possible.

2. the children were eabout opening their presents.

3. she sat taking nof everything that was said.

4. there is more than one pof “garage(加油站)”.

5. they’ve boff their engagement(婚约).

6. no, i don’t know his number — i h**e quite enough tremembering my own.

7. things will get easier as time goes b

8. don’t worry, we all make m

9. if you go on like this you’ll eup in prison(监狱).

10. the location(位置)of the ship is a closely-guarded(高度的)s

11. it doesn’t mto me what you do.

12. i looked it uin the dictionary.

13. it’s nearly the end of the t

14. she la leg in a car crash.

15. most of the rooms fthe sea.

16. you won’t get paid for time off uyou h**e a doctor’s note.

17. he seemed to h**e already begun a fwith jo.

18. his writings h**e ithe lives of millions.

19. she ther best to solve the problem.

20. he rhimself as a patriot(爱国者).

21. everybody lat my accent(口音).

22. please don’t be awith me. it wasn’t my fault.

23. she was ato open the door.

24. it is my dto report it to the police.

25. i don’t think you rhow important this is to her.

26. h**e you dwith these letters yet?

27. i can efinish it tonight.

28. the teacher listened to the children reading a

29. much lon, she realized what he had meant.

30. he mup some excuses about his daughter being sick.

i. 词汇(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)


ii. 动词填空(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


li hui 11learn) english for about one year. but he is not good at it. and he 12make) many mistakes in the last exam.

now he 13try) his best to learn it. he hopes he 14improve) his english soon. he wants 15know) how to learn english well.

could you give him some advice?

iii. 补全对话(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


a: you look worried, paul. 16

b: oh, i’m h**ing trouble learning english. i can’t get the pronunciation right.

a: well, listening can help. 17

b: listen to tapes? that’s a good idea.

but what about all the new words? i can’t memorize them. 18

a: i memorize the new words by ****** vocabulary lists.

b: that might really help! but i am not good speaking, either.

a: oh, you can do it by 19in the club you can meet a lot of foreigners. you can practice your spoken english with them.

b: thank you.

a: 20iv. 完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)


九年级 changing world topic1.词汇过关name score words 1.钟声 铃 2.非洲3.关闭,关上 4.在任何时候 5.绳子 6.通讯 交流 7.报告,汇报 8.亲属,亲戚 9.自 以后 10.使满意 11.医学的 12.机器 13.迅速的14.进步 15.已经 16...


教学目标 1.能运用以下句型进行口头交际 how do you study for a test?i study by working with a group.2.对目标语言的听力训练,提高听力技能。教学过程。一 导入 lead in 1.新学期的问候 让几位学生描述他们的summer holid...


unit 1 book3 用单词的适当形式填空。re lots of new 词汇 in this unit.you must 注意 their 发音 is very good.do you 练习 speak english every day?movie is very 令人沮丧的 they ma...