
发布 2022-08-06 19:37:28 阅读 6081

九年级英语unit5复习要点 magazinecarla.=the magazine这本杂志是属于carla的。 music古典** might know the way to thehospital.

=it’sthat heknows the way to thehospital.他可能知道去医院的路。 mustcars.

=it’s __that jack is selling cars.杰克肯定在卖小车。 housebelong tothat woman.

=it is certain that thehouse isn’t that woman's.这座房子不可能是那个妇女的。 lock on the door门上的锁the key to the door这道门的钥匙a set of keys一串钥匙 to the concerth**e a concerttake a concertlisten to a concert听**会give a concert=hold a concertduring the concert在**会期间in the symphony hall在**大厅 at one’s appointment在和某人约会h**esb和某人有约930% of the final exam30% _the final exam占期末考试的30% sb=beabout sb担心某人是什么意思?

ofsth.因为,由于because+从句 a movie=be in a strange creature奇怪的生物 bell tower neighborhood在钟塔一带。in our neighborhood在我们四邻 girl just now?

she had a traffic accident.

这个女孩刚才发生了什么事?她出了车祸。 teacher当地学校的老师 is a shop selling school things in our school.

我们学校有一家商店在卖学习用具。there __a girlover there.那边有个女孩在哭。

director of the local zoo当地动物园的主管20. escape from从逃跑1.情态动词must, may , might, could,can’t表示推测含义与用法后面都接动词原形,都可以表示对现在情况的揣测和推断但他们含义有所不同must __100%的可能性)can’t可能性几乎为零)may, might, could20%-80%的可能性)the dictionarymine.

it has my name on listening to pop hair bandbob’s. after all, he is boy!2.

whose谁的疑问词作定语后面接名词如:whose book is this? this is lily’s.

3. belong to属于如:that english book belongs to me.

(划线提问that english book4. because of , becausebecause of +名词/代词/名词性短语because +从句i do it because i like it.我做这件事是因为我喜欢。

i had to move because of my job.因为工作的原因我得搬家。5.

own v.-owner v.-listener v.

-learner n.6. anything strange一些奇怪的东西当形容词修饰something,anything, nothing, everything等不定代词时,放在这些词的后面7.

there be sb./ sth. doing如:

there is a cat eating fish.

there must be something visiting our home.

8. escape from从**逃跑出来如:

he escaped from the burning building.他从燃烧的大概中逃出来。9.

an ocean of +名词如:an ocean of energy.10.

unhappy不高兴的happy高兴的11. final最后的finally最后地12. dishonest不诚实的honest诚实的。

13. get on上车get off下车5. therebe) an english evening next monday.

spent half an hourfinish)doing my homework.7. the teacher told xiao mingnotbe) late for school again.

8. please write to me as soon as youreach) shanghai.9.

mr. le is out. but hebe) back in ten minutes.

14. use uprun out of

如:they h**e used up all the money.他们已经用完了所有的钱。15. attempt to do试图。

如:the boys attempted to le**e for beijing.男孩子们试图想去北京。16. wake动词唤醒。

常用的词组:wake up意为醒来wake sb. up叫醒某人如:please wake me up at 8 o’clock.请在8点钟叫醒我。

17to do sth.尽某人的最大努力去做某事如:he tried his best to run.


是在名词后面加’s或是以s结尾的名词,只在名词的后面加’our teachers’office我们老师们的办公室。


lily and lucy’s father莉莉和露西的爸爸(她们的爸爸是同一个人)②有of介词短语表示无生命东西的所有格如:a picture of my family我家人的相片。

有时也有’s表示无生命的东西的所有格如:today’s news*****,the city’s name用所给动词的适当形式填空。

1. listen! some of the girls __talk) about harry potter.

2.—where is mr. green now? i h**en't seen him for a few days.—he __go) to hong kong.


4.“titanic”is a very nice film. i __see) it twice.

10. when the headmaster came into the hall, all the studentsstand) up.单项选择。

1. -can you swim in the river?--no, i __

a. mustn’tb. may notc. can’td. needn’t2. -may i go swimming now?

-- no, you __you must finish yourhomework mustn’tb. may notc. couldn’td.

needn’t3. -excuse me. where is the zoo?

-- sorry, i don’t know. ask that policeman. he __shallb.

mayc. needd. would4i finish the work today?

no, you needn’ mustb. mayc. cand.

need5. -tom, where is your father?

-- i’m not sure. he___in his office.

a. isb. may bec. maybed. may6. -where is tom?

-- he hasn't come to school today. i think he___be has tob. shouldc.

mightd. need7. this book __lucy’s.

look! her name is on the book must beb. might bec.

can’t bed. mustn’t be8. there were three girls __after them.


1非常害怕2.对 感兴趣。3.下决心4令某人惊奇的是。5.即使尽管6.不在。7.聊天8.听起来像。9.结束10.在游泳队 11.买得起12.对 感到骄傲 13.对 注意14.过去常常。15.尽某人最大的努力。16.放弃 used to do 过去常常做某事。used to否定形式可为used not...


九下unit5短语复习 topic 1 大量的a great number of 详细的in detail 地发源地the birthplace of 值得做某事be worth doing sth.位于lie in on to 在 扮演重要角色play an important role part...


unit 5 what are the shirts made of?一 重点短语 由 制造 制作在春节期间。由 制造 制作寻求帮助。由 制造 制作查明,弄清。因。而著名尽力做某事。作为 而著名例如。为。所熟知放风筝。不论,无论避免做某事。根据,按照明灯。全世界被。覆盖。对。有益上升到,升入。擅长作...