
发布 2022-08-05 23:08:28 阅读 6802

unit5 what are the shirts made of?

period one section a (1a—1c)

教学目标: 掌握本课单词和短语be made of be made in;了解一般现在时态被动语态的结构和用法;归纳和掌握make 构成的短语。

教学重点、难点: 熟练掌握be made of ; be made in 的运用。

学法指导: 预习---听---说---练。

教学过程:一、导入(启发** 3分钟)

t: please take out your things on your desk. we use them every day, do you really know them?


teacher: can you tell me what these things are made of? and where are they made ?


the books are made of ***** ② the ***** is made from tree.

二、自学(自主** 6分钟)



apples are sent (send) to the factory for processing.

2. we are all ready but tom hasn’t packed (pack) his clothes yet.

3. the windows of the room are cleaned (clean)every day.

4. the best cotton is produced (produce) in xing jiang in china.

5. the song isn’t liked (not like) by most of us.

3. 快速阅读1a**部分的内容。把物品和可能构成他们的材料匹配起来。(1分钟)


三、交流(合作** 10分钟)


2. 听第二遍录音,并完成课本上1b的听力任务。(1分钟)


4. 听第三遍录音,并逐句进行跟读。(2分钟)



7. 勾画短语并读背、翻译短语。 (1分钟)

be made of ; what are they made of ;materials that don’t feel very good

a hundred percent cotton ;be made in ;by the way ;chopsticks are usually made of wood

steel chopsticks are popular in korea ;is it made of silver?

四、总结(引深** 15分钟)

1、made of. 由…制(构)成。后接构成某物质的原料。

备课例句】this skirt is made of silk.这件裙子是用丝绸制成的。

横向辐射】be made of/from/up of的区别。

1. be made of 表示制成成品后,仍可看出原材料是什么。


例句】:the kite is made of *****.风筝是用纸做的。

2. be made from 表示制成的东西完全失去了原材料的外形或特征,或原材料在制作过程中发生化


例句】the ***** is made from wood.纸是木头做的。

butter is made from milk.黄油是从牛奶中提炼出来的。

3. be made up of 用…构成或组成的。指人、物皆可,指结构成分。

例句】our class is made up of six groups. 我们班是由六个小组组成的。

4、be made in +地点意为“在……(地方)制成”;

5、be made by 意为“被(某人)……制成【课堂变式】

活学活用。1) 这个飞机模型是用木头做的。

the model planewood.



3) 这些汽车是在上海制造的。

these carsshanghai.


these cakesmy sister last night.


五、练评(包含“考点链接” 应用** 6分钟)

半系动词。半系动词通常可以和形容词连用,有些半系动词可以和介词短语或as if等连词连用。现将半系动词分为四类进行讨论。

1、“感官动词”类:look、 feel、 smell、 taste、 sound等,例如:

2、“状态变化”类:get turn go come become grow fall make等,例如:

3.“保持不变”类:stay lie stand keep remain continue等,例如:


period two section a (2a—2c)

教学目标: 掌握生词:grass /gra:

s/ n. 草;草地 leaf /li:f/ n(.

pl. le**es /li:vz/)叶;叶子;掌握短语be made of be made in;

掌握句子:what is it made of ? it’s made of used wood and glass。

who is it made by? it’s made by university students


教学重点、难点: 掌握句子what is it made of ? it’s made of used wood and glass。

who is it made by? it’s made by university students


学法指导: 复习---听说---听力训练---作业巩固。

教学过程:一、导入(启发** 3分钟)

what is thisit’s a huge model plane.

what is it made of ? it’s made of used wood and glass

who is it made by? it’s made by university students

what is this? it’s beautiful painting

what is it made from ? it’s made from grass, le**es and flowers.

who is it made by? it’s made by university students

二、自学(自主** 6分钟)


hear about ; hear of ;hear from sb. ;the art and science fair 艺术和科学展览会

be invited to ;pay for给钱,付款,买单。


it’s made of used wood and glass. 它是由废弃的木头和玻璃做成的。

it’s made from grass, le**es and flowers. 它是用草、树叶和花做成的。

the fair is about environmental protection and recycling


come up with提出,想出

some really interesting and creative ideas. 一些既很有趣又有创意的主意。

三、交流(合作** 10分钟)



2. 要求学生听第二遍录音,并逐句进行跟读。(2分钟)

3. 听力内容巩固训练。要求学生根据所听到的内容完成下列各句。完成后要求若干学生给出自己的答案。以巩固对听力内容的了解。(4分钟)

4. 大声朗读听力材料。(1分钟)

5. 放下听力材料,要求学生模仿听力内容,利用2a,2b的信息分角色练习对话练习。然后邀请2-3对同学当堂演示。看哪一对的表现最佳。(5分钟)

四、总结(引深** 15分钟。



二、被动语态最基本的句型结构是: be +及物动词过去分词

说明:①、be 有时态,人称和数的变化。

、被动语态中的谓语动词必须是及物动词;因为被动句中的主语是动作的承受者,某些短语动词如look after, think of, take care of, work out, laugh at等,也可用于被动语态。


1.当不知道或没有必要指出动作的执行者时,常用被动语态,这时往往不用by 短语。

2.突出或强调动作的承受者,如果需要说出动作的执行者,用by 短语。

3.当汉语句子的主语既不是动作的执行者,也不是动作的承受者时,这时常用in + 名词作状语,而代替 by 短语。 如:

these cars were made in china.


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