
发布 2022-08-01 22:00:28 阅读 6645

九年级unit 1 the changing world

topic 1 our country has developed rapidly section b




2. 学习并掌握重点词汇的用法: learn (…from..

,though / although/ even though / even if, describe, afford, in order to do sth., support等。

3. 感受当今的美好生活。



1. gethurtmakele**e

2. cookcleanwalkwash

3. closedancelikehope

4. carryworrystudyplay

5. stopplanchatdrop


1. hebe) to fuzhou three times.

2. their parentsnot come) back. they are still at work.

3you everhear) of the funny story ?

4. shejustle**e) for fujian.

5youfind) your purse ? yes, i h**e.





句型1:i h**en’t seen you for a long time.

句型2:—h**e you ever been to any other place ? no, i h**en’t.

句型3:you took part in some volunteer activities during the summer holidays , didn’t you?

yes, i did.

句型4:though i had no time to tr**el, i still felt very happy.

2、 找出以下的短语。

1)for a long time2) some volunteer activities

3) disabled children4) learn… from

5) put on funny shows


1. 生读1a,完成1b.

2. 生读1a,完成1c

3. 生完成2a部分,并找出动词后+ ed的发音规律。




3) 残疾孩子们4)从……中学到。


2、模仿2 b的例句,用has +构成的一般疑问句进行问答。



1. learn(…)from…“从(……中学到……”we learn a lot from our teachers.

练习1】we must从……中学)each other.

2. though / although / even though/ even if 都是连词,意为“虽然,尽管,即使”,引导让步状语从句,不与but, however连用。 though / although he is only three years old, he knows a lot.

练习2】—h**e you had your car for long ? yesit’s very old, it still runs well.

a. sinceb. becausec. although

练习3he has little knowledge, the old worker has a lot of experience.

a. althoughb. becausec. if

3. describe 动词“描述”。名词是description.

describe sb. /sth. for/ to sb.

“向某人描述某人/某事”。 he described going downstairs just now.

练习4】—what’s your dof his books ? he is tall with long hair.

4. in detail“详细地”。 please explain your idea in detail.

练习5】 the policeman asked her to describe the man详细地).

5. afford 常与can, could或be able to 连用,常用于颖问句或否定句中,意为“负担得起(……的费用、损失、后果等),抽得出(时间)”,结构为afford sth. 或afford to do sth.

we can’t afford (to buy) a new car.

练习6】—i’m going to buy a car. any advice, charlie ?

well, it depends onif money isn’t a problem, you can buy a bmw.

a. when you will buy oneb. how much you can afford

c. what color you liked. where you are driving

练习7】a lot of famous doctors gathered in harbins**e “ china’s most beautiful teacher” —ms. zhang lili.

a. so thatb. in order toc. in order thatd. as a result

7. support 动词,意为:(1)“供养,负担(费用),维持”。

all h**e a family to support . 2) “赞成,支持”。 my classmates support my plan.

(3) “支撑,扶持”。 support the roof(屋顶).

give support to sb. =give sb. support “为某人提供帮助”。

should do our best to give support to the poor children.

练习8】don’t be afraid! no matter what happens, i’ll be behind you. (同义词替换。

a. meetb. supportc. missd. change

8. nowadays副词,“现今,现时”,强调与过去相比,常用于一般现在时。 nowadays the children in our country can get a good education.

而now 着重指现在,意为“现在,此刻”,常用于一般现在时或现在进行时。 li lei is reading a storybook now.

9. develop 动词,意为“发展,发达”。而developed, developing都是形容词,developed意为“发达的,发展的”,developing意为“发展中的”。

china is a developing country. 其名词是development.

练习9】it is helpful toa good habit of reading in language learning.


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九年级 unit 1 the changing world topic 1 our country has developed rapidly section c 课型 新授课课时2执笔 审核 授课人 林娟授课时间。一 学习目标。1.学习并掌握现在完成时与一般过去时的区别 现在完成时侧重的是过去的动...


九年级 unit 1 the changing world topic 1 our country has developed rapidly section a 课型 新授课课时2执笔 审核 授课人 林娟授课时间。一 学习目标。1.学习现在完成时。现在完成时的结构为 助动词h e has 动词的过...