
发布 2022-08-01 22:01:28 阅读 2569

九年级 unit 1 the changing world

topic 1 our country has developed rapidly section a



1. 学习现在完成时。现在完成时的结构为“助动词h**e/ has + 动词的过去分词”。

2. 学习并掌握重点词汇和句型的用法:take place, h**e/ has been to, so…that…, improve, by the way等。

3. 体会语言的规律,提高归纳总结能力。


h**e / has been to h**e / has gone to


1. wefinished our homework.

2. li huacome back from japan.

3. my friendjust told me the news.

4. your brotherhad his lunch at school.

5. theywon the game.

ii.请选用h**e/has gone to 或h**e / has been to 完成下列各题。

1. peter’s sisterour school’s library. she hasn’t been back.

2.—where h**e you been ? iningde. i came back yesterday.

3. imount wuyi many times, so i know it very well.

4. —are your parents at home ?

no, they aren’t. theyzhangzhou for holiday.

5. —i h**en’t seen your brother these days. —oh, hequanzhou.


rita, you h**e just come back from your hometown. 此句用的是现在完成时态。现在完成时,表示在说话之前已发生或完成的动作,并对现在造成影响;或是过去发生的动作持续到现在。

其结构为“助动词h**e/ has + 动词的过去分词”(动词的过去分词形式分为规则变化和不规则变化,规则变化同动词的过去式,不规则变化详见课本后的不规则动词表)。主语为第三人称单数时用has. peter has just come back from ningde.

主语为其他人称时用h**e。 we h**e finished our homework. 应注意现在完成时表示过去的动作对现在造成了影响或结果时,其标志词有already(已经),yet(仍然,尚),just, ever, never, before等;表示过去的动作持续到现在时,其标志词有“for+段时间”,since…, so far, by now, these days等。

现在完成时的否定形式是助动词h**e/ has后加上否定词not. h**e not的缩写形式为h**en’t, has not 的缩写形式为hasn’t. i h**e not / h**en’t seen my teachers for many years.

现在完成时的一般疑问句是把动词h**e / has调到句首,剩下部分变成一般疑问句,意为 “还有……吗?”“过吗?”肯定回答为yes, …h**e/ has.

否定回答为;no,… h**en’t / hasn’t. 也可用no, never. 或 no, not yet.

—h**e you seen the film before ? yes, i h**e. /no, i h**en’t.

练1】 tom has seen the film. (改为否定句)

练2】i h**e received eight letters since last week. (改为一般疑问句并作出否定回答)

练3】—what do you think of the movie war horse

wonderful. it’s the best one that iin the past few years.

a. watchb. watchedc. h**e watched

练4】weour english teacher since he moved to beijing.

a. didn’t hear from b. h**en’t heard from c. didn’t receive d. h**en’t received



句型1. you h**e just come back from your hometown.

句型2. great changes h**e taken place there.

句型3. my hometown has become more and more beautiful.

句型4. where h**e you been ?

句型5. i h**e to mount huang / an english summer school.

句型6. i h**e gone to cuba to be a volunteer.


1. h**e a good summer holiday2. take place

3. more and more beautiful4. h**e been to

5. so… that6. improve my english7. h**e gone to


step 1. 读1a,完成1b.

step 2.读1a,复述1a(根据1b的**)

step 3.听对话,完成p2的2a部分。

step 4. 诵读6个句型。


1、 巩固上面七个短语和句型。

1)拥有一个好暑假2) 发生。

3) 越来越漂亮4)去过。


7)去了。2、模仿例句,根据3的**,用has / h**e been to / h**e gone to 进行口头练习。



1. take place“发生,举行”,指计划或安排好的。take place 为不及物动词短语,所以不能用于被动语态(注意和happen的区别,happen是指偶然发生,happen也没有被动语态形式)。

练习1】 great changesin our hometown in the past five years.

a. take placeb. took placec. h**e taken place

2. h**e/ has been to “曾经到过某地”,现在不在那里了。h**e / has gone to “ 已经去了某地”,现在没有返回。

h**e / has been in “在某地待了多长时间”,常与段时间状语连用。

练习2】 —why are you worried?

i’m expecting a call from my daughter . shenew york for three years.

a. has gone tob. has been toc. has been ind. has come in

练习3】—excuse me, is mr. green in the office ?

no. hesingapore for a meeting. he will be back in a few days.

a. h**e gone to b. has gone toc. h**e been to d. has been to

练习4】—h**e you ever been to tokyo ?

yes, ithere twice. it’s a modern city.

a. h**e goneb. h**e beenc. had gone

3. so… that…“如此……以至于……”用于引导结果状语从句。 he got up so early that he could catch the early bus.

注意: so.. that… 句型可以和too… to…句型相互转换。

she is so old that she can’t look after herself. =she is too old to look after herself.


unit1thechangingworld 导学案 topic1myhometownhasbecomemoreandmorebeautiful.生词集中营sectiona d v 关上 描述 提供 发展 考虑 v短语 与 取得联系 取得进步 拟定 多亏 其他短语 顺便说 详细地 遥远的 adj 恰当...


九年级 unit 1 the changing world topic 1 our country has developed rapidly section c 课型 新授课课时2执笔 审核 授课人 林娟授课时间。一 学习目标。1.学习并掌握现在完成时与一般过去时的区别 现在完成时侧重的是过去的动...


九年级unit 1 the changing world topic 1 our country has developed rapidly section b 课型 新授课课时2执笔 审核 授课人 林娟授课时间。一 学习目标。1.学习并掌握动词的过去分词形式。掌握动词的规则变化,熟记学过的不规则动...