
发布 2022-08-01 21:59:28 阅读 6433

九年级 unit 1 the changing world

topic 1 our country has developed rapidly section c



1. 学习并掌握现在完成时与一般过去时的区别:现在完成时侧重的是过去的动作对现在造成的影响;而一般过去时只是强调某一动作或状态发生在过去,常和表示过去时间状语(如yesterday, last week, two days ago等)连用。

2. 学习并掌握重点词汇的用法:see sth.

oneself, enough, h**e the / a chance to do sth.,keep in touch with, far away, make progress, succeed in sth./ doing sth.

, dream about等。3. 了解北京乃至中国的变化 。



1. ibe) to mount huang. icome) back yesterday.

2yousee) your sister ?

no, i h**en’t. shego) shopping just now.

3. the man can’t be our english teacher. hego) to fuzhou.

hetake) bus there three days ago.

4. hebuy) a nice car. hebuy) it last week.

5. shebegin) to learn english when she is five. shelearn) it for ten years.

6. i saw her dancingi).

7. we succeeded inarrive) in fuzhou in time at last.

8. we were busy at that time, so we had no timetr**el).

9. we studied hard in orderpass) the exam.

10. we know chinadevelop) rapidly since 1978.

三、知识链接( 词与词组)

1. see sth. oneself“亲眼看见”,同wee…in person或see…with one’s own eyes.

i saw him playing football myself.

练习1】—where is kate, do you know?

she must be in the library. iher going there

a. looked at; myselfb. saw; herself

c. looked at; herselfd. saw; myself

2. not only…but also…“不仅……而且……”用来连接两个相同的成分。注意:

连接并列主语时,谓语动词用就近原则。跟它用法相同的还有:either…or…, neither…now…。

练习2】 not only my friends but also iinterested in football

and messi is our f**orite star.

a. beb. amc. is d. are


1、预习教材p5 1a短文,画出下列句型。

句型1:china has developed rapidly since the reform and opening-up.

句型2:being has already succeeded in hosting the 2008 olympic games


1)more than2)see heraself

3) in the 1960s4)the living conditions

5) get enough food6) h**e the chance

7) receive and good education8) keep in touch with

9) far away10) by telegram

11) develop rapidly12) since the and opening-up

13) satisfy people’s need14) not only…but also

15) what’s more16) make rapid progress

17) succeed in doing stb18) live in the pvesent

19) dream about the future







1.多于2. 亲自见到。

3在20世纪60年代4. 居住条件。






15. 另外16.取得巨大进步。




课后练习 i.选择填空。

)1.一h**e you ever been to mount tai? 一yes,ithere last year.

a.went b.h**e gone c. am going

)2.his grandfather has___the changes in china

a.see;himself b.seen;himself c.seen;him d.saw;him

)3you've made! but you should work still harder.”the teacher said to the boy.

a.what a big mistake b.how big mistakes

c. what great progress d.how great progress

)4.in the past people's___weren't

a.1iving condition;good enough

b.1iving conditions;enough good

c.1iving conditions;good enough

)5.(2023年天津中考) if you areyou will make fewer mistakes.

a.careful enough b.carefully enough

c.enough careful d.enough carefully

.词汇题。1.h**e you been to fuzhou to visit your rand friends?

2.she studies hard,so she取得很大的进步).


unit1thechangingworld 导学案 topic1myhometownhasbecomemoreandmorebeautiful.生词集中营sectiona d v 关上 描述 提供 发展 考虑 v短语 与 取得联系 取得进步 拟定 多亏 其他短语 顺便说 详细地 遥远的 adj 恰当...


九年级unit 1 the changing world topic 1 our country has developed rapidly section b 课型 新授课课时2执笔 审核 授课人 林娟授课时间。一 学习目标。1.学习并掌握动词的过去分词形式。掌握动词的规则变化,熟记学过的不规则动...


九年级 unit 1 the changing world topic 1 our country has developed rapidly section a 课型 新授课课时2执笔 审核 授课人 林娟授课时间。一 学习目标。1.学习现在完成时。现在完成时的结构为 助动词h e has 动词的过...