
发布 2022-07-30 11:47:28 阅读 8890


unit1talk about how often you do things.学会用how often询问。




1. always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly, ever, never

2. once, twice, three, times, a week, every day

3. all, most, some, no

4. milk, junk food, health, unhealthy, habit


1. what does she usually do on weekends?

2. how often do you exercise ?

unit 1短语。

1. 去滑板go skateboarding

2. 锻炼exercise = do / take exercise

3. 几乎不曾hardly ever

4. 一周两次twice a week

5. 一个月一次once a month

6. 一年三次three times a year

7. 一周三或四次three or four times a week

8. 网上冲浪surf the internet

9. 多久(一次) how often

10…….的结果the result of…

11.活动调查activity survey

12. 有某物给某人here is/are sth for sb.

13.在周末on weekends

14.活跃的;积极的be active

15.至于;关于as for…

16.垃圾食品junk food

17.想要(某人)做某事want (sb) to do sth

18.对…有好处 / 坏处be good / bad for…

19.健康的be healthy

20.每晚你睡几个小时? how many hours do you sleep every night?

21.九个小时for nine hours

22.从学校放学回家come home from school

23.饮食习惯eating habits


1、he is very strong because he often e

2、do you like sthe internet ?

3、here are the rof his survey .

4、we wash our hair ta week .

5、i like the tv pon cctv-10 .

6、i don’t think junk food is good for our h

7、my eating hare pretty good .

8、don’t worry . mhe can help you .

9、it’s important to keep h

10、can you tell me the dbetween the

two words ?

11、my grandpa is still healthy , ahe is over 80 .

12、jim goes to see his parents oa month


1、i look after myand i amhealth)

2、my teacher wants mewrite) a letter

to you .

3、theyhard) go out of this small town .

4、the boy is tryingclimb) up the tree .

5、this word isdifference) from the other .

6、we must do eyeexercise) every day .

7、my motherh**e) a healthy lifestyle . she

eatslittle) junk food but more vegetables .

8、i practicespeak) english every day .

9、what can i doimprove) my math?

10、jim oftenplay) computer games .

句型转换:1. ann’s mother shops once a month.

2. he is writing on the blackboard now.

3. jim goes to see uncle li in the evening.(否定句)

4. there are some beautiful flowers in the garden.. 一般疑问句)

5. she only eats junk food once a week because junk food isn’t good for health.


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