
发布 2022-07-29 06:51:28 阅读 1696





第一节听力选择 (15小题,计15分)



( )1. what does the woman want to do ?

abc )2. what’s the girl’s f**orite subject?

abc )3. why does the boy like eating?

a. vegetablesb. chickenc. fish.

)4. what makes lily angry?

a. throwing rubbish around. b. drawing on walls.

c. wasting water.

)5. what’s the weather like today?

a. sunny


) does the woman want to go to green restaurant ?

a. because she likes the soft chairs

b. because she likes the soft music there.

c. because the service there is fast.

)7. how far is sunshine restaurant from here?

a. it’s about ten minutes’ about five minutes’ walk

c. it’s about twenty minutes’ walk.


)8. what did linda buy online?

a. some booksb. some bagsc. some cups.

)9. how does linda feel about shopping online?

a. it’s convenient. c. it’s exciting.


)10. what happened to the boy ?

a. he lost his dictionaryb. he lost jack’s dictionary.

c. he lost jack’s textbook.

)11. where will the boy go ?

a. to the bookstoreb. to the library.

c. to the school.

)12. how will the boy go ?

a. by bikeb. by busc. on foot.


)13. what does tony want to eat at star restaurant?

a. pizzab. chickenc. hamburgers.

( )14. why does amy want to go to the blue lagoon?

a. the loud music makes her happy

b. the soft music makes her relax

c. the pictures on the wall make her excited.

( )does the soft music make tony feel?

a. sleepyb. relaxedc. nervous.






)21. i know the product is made in shanghai,but i don’t know __brand.

a. theirb. itsc. his

)22. -dad,what does this word mean ?

--why notyou h**e a dictionary,right?

a. look for it b. look it forc. look it up

)23it is climbing the hill!

enjoy it so much!

a. what funb. how func. how a fun

)24. if she __take enough exercise, she will be fatter and fatter.

a. don’tb. won’t c. doesn’t

)25. -i think where are we going ,dad? is the hottest show this year.

people of all ages like it.

a. how comeb. without doubt it

c. it’s hard to say

)26. -is mount tai the highest mountain in shangdong ?

--i think so .it is 1,545 meters __sea level.

a. underb. abovec. past

)27. -i want to buy a ticket to the movie.

sorry,we h**e __all the tickets.

a. put awayb. given upc. sold out

)28. i hate people __laugh at others when they make mistakes.

a. which b. whomc. who

)29. -must i finish the work today? -no, you __

a. mustn’tb. needn’tc. can’t

)30. -was it your first visit to the museum ?

had visited itbut i thought it worth a second visit.

a. a day ago b. next weekc. the day before


rose didn’t see her school ic card at lunch time. she asked her classmates and looked for it everywhere. but she couldn’t 31 it.

later, one girl said that she saw kate take a card from rose’s desk. so rose got very 32 .


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