
发布 2022-07-27 07:04:28 阅读 3326


课题:units 3---4







重点单词: 词形转化。

1、 achieve (v)__achievement (n) 成就;完成。

2、 succeed (v)__success (n) 成功——successful (adj) 成功的。

3、 energetic (n)__energetic (adj) 精力充沛的。

4、 confident (adj)__confidence (n) 自信。

5、 permit(v) permission (n)允许。

6、 fairly (adv)__rather or quite (同义词)相当地。

7、 listen (v)——listener (n)听者;收听者。

8、 pain (n) _painful (adj) 令人疼痛的。

9、 knowledge (n)__knowledgeable (adj)知识渊博的;有见识的。

10 、treat (v)__treatment (v) **。

11、downstairs (adv)__upstaies (反义词)在楼上。

12、help (v or n)__helpful (adj) 有帮助的;有用的。


1、 instead of 代替;而不是。

2、 stay up 不睡觉;熬夜。

3、 concentrate on 全神贯注;专心于。

4、 at present 目前;现在。

5、 in the way 挡道的;妨碍人的。

6、 let、、、down 使、、、失望或沮丧。

7、 come up with ( 同义短语)think up 提出;相处。

8、 come out 出版;发表。

9、 running water 自来水。

10 、by accident 偶然;意外。

11、old people’s home 养老院。

12、be serious about 对、、、认真。

13、reply to 答复。

14、be strict with 对、、、严格。

15、be strict in对、、、严格。

16 、worry about担心;对、、、焦虑。

重点知识: (1 )辨析 answer与 reply.

2)get sth done

3)what if


(5)plenty / plenty of

(6) get on/ along with

(7) if 条件句




(b)1、the students __but didn’t __my question.

a、answered;replied b、replied;answer

c、answered;reply d、reply;answer

c)2、soft drinks___to children for free in some restanrants on children’s day in that city every year.

a、offer b、h**e offered c、are offered d、will be offered

( d) 3、__the sweater is very nice. i’ll take it.

but you must __fisrt. i think it is a little large for you.

a、pay for it b、put it on c 、put it off d、try it on

( b) 4、(2012昭通模拟)do you know zhang ailing ? she is a blue woman.

a、in a coat b 、knowledgeable c、very sad d、funny

( d) 5 、(2012上海1分)you really don’t h**e to worry __your weight,you look just right.

a、for b、from c、with d、about





1、 检测题。

b )1、( 2012大理等8地州市联考27题1分)with the help of his friends ,he changed a lot. maybe that’s the __of friendship.

a、station b、energy c、decision d、invention

c )2、(2012玉溪35题1分) _when i was young, i listened to the radio ,waiting for my f**orite song

a、so i was b、so was i c 、so did i d、so i did

a )3、(2011玉溪36题1分)__i don’t like rainy day .

___rainy days always make me sad.

a 、neither do i b、so do i c、neither i do d、so i do

a )4、(2012昭通42题1分)—sixteen-year-olds should __to drive.

___i agree. they aren’t serious enough at the age .

a 、not be allowed b、be allowed c、not be allow d、be allow

66( )5、(2011西双版纳40题1分)there’s no doubt that scientist will __a good way to solve the environmental problems.

a 、come up with b、catch up with c、work out with d、keep up with

6( d )6、(2010昭通、文山、保山44题) —we young kids should speak to old people __

—i agree. this is our chinese tradition.

a、loudly b、slowly c、quickly d、politely

b )7、(2012红河)congratulations! your answer to the question is _correct.(词语释义)

a、wrong b、right c、bad d 、terrible

2 、错题补救:针对考生易错的题,进行辅导和选择精题进行练习。

例题1、as one of the school rules,middle school students are not __c___to smoke.

a、ordered b、refused c、allowed d、forbidden

例题2、(2012兰州)the young should be allowed _to achieve their dreams on their own..(achieve )


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