
发布 2022-07-25 23:11:28 阅读 7736

sectiona (1a—2d)

. 根据句意及所给汉语提示,完成下列句子,每空一词。

1. just耐心点) until the doctor arrives.

2. leo, can you造句) with “help”?

3. sara was a little puzzled起初), but now she gets it.

4. the teacher asked us not to逐字读).

5. bill thinks朗读) is the best way to learn languages.

6. learning a language isn’t easy这得慢慢来).

7. judy read quickly to获取大意).

8阅读课本) is one of ken’s ways to learn english.

9. now lisa is a member of the english club. she often和……谈话) many english-speaking friends there.

. 根据括号内的要求完成下列各题,每空一词(含缩略形式)。

1. —h**e you ever heard of john brown? (补全否定答语)

i2. kevin opened this box by using a knife. (对划线部分提问)

kevinthis box?

3. how about going skiing this afternoon? (改为同义句)

going skiing this afternoon?

4. to get along with the girl is hard. (改为同义句)

___hardalong with the girl.

5. 你读书越多,你知道得就越多。 (完成译句)

books you readyou will know.

答案。. 1. be patient 2.

make a sentence 3. at first 4. read word by word 5.

reading aloud

6. it takes time 7. get the main ideas 8. reading the textbook 9. has conversations with

. 1. no; h**en’t 2.

how did; open 3. what about 4. it’s; to get 5.

the more; the more

. 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词(含缩略形式)。

1. 我弟弟讨厌做语法练习。

my brother hates to

2. 长寿的秘诀是什么?

what’sa long life?

3. 谁是第一个发现美洲的人?

who was the first man

4. 王先生是一个严肃的人。我害怕和他说话。

mr. wang is a serious man. i’mwith him.

5. 这对我来说小菜一碟。

for me.

6. 他脸上的表情表明他非常累。

showed he was very tired.

7. 大多数年轻人觉得**篮球比赛激动人心。

most young people findbasketball games.

8. 布莱克夫人,请重复一下你的问题好吗?

could you pleasemrs. black?

. 1. do grammar exercises 2. the secret to living

3. to discover america 4. afraid to talk / afraid of talking

5. it’s a piece of cake 6. the expression on his face

7. it exciting to watch 8. repeat your question

sectionb (1a—2b)

. 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词。

1. 凯莉能够流利地讲英文。

kelly hasenglish fluently.

2. 用那种方式安妮提高了她的阅读速度。

annie hasin that way.

3. 马丁好像总是在拼写方面犯错。

it seems that martin always

4. 为了学好物理,首先你必须对它产生兴趣。

to learn physics well, first you must

5. 健康取决于均衡的饮食、新鲜的空气和充足的睡眠。

healtha balanced diet, fresh air and enough sleep.

6. 他们在不同的环境中长大,因此几乎没有共同之处。

they grew up in different environments, so they

7. 杰西卡列了购物清单,写下了她想买的所有东西。

jessica made a shopping list andeverything she wanted to buy.

8. 贾森没有学习语言的天赋,但他相信熟能生巧。

jason doesn’t h**e a talent for learning a language, but he believes that

. 根据汉语意思及括号内所给英文提示语,将下列句子翻译成英语。

1. 吉娜(gina)天生有一副好嗓子。 (born)

2. 请注意这个单词的用法。 (pay attention to)

3. 课堂上认真听讲是不够的。 (it)

4. 他们不知道如何改进服务。 (how to do)

5. 一条河把这个村庄和那个村庄连接了起来。 (connect ..with ..

6. 一上午种两棵树对他们来说很容易。 (it)

7. 比尔(bill)从这次活动中学到了什么? (learn)

8. 劳拉(laura)在考虑去纽约的事。 (think about)

答案:. 1. partners 2. pronounce 3. active 4. review 5. wisely 6. knowledge

. 1. the ability to speak

2. increased her reading speed

3. makes mistakes in spelling

4. create an interest in it 5. depends on

6. h**e little in common 7. wrote down 8. practice makes perfect

. 1. gina was born with a good voice.

2. please pay attention to the use of this word.


一 翻译词组。1.小组之间合作学习2.制作单词卡3.提高我的口语技巧 写作技巧4.大声读练习发音5.获得主要意思6.这得慢慢来7.肢体语言8.害怕做某事9.他脸上的表情10.藏在教科书后面11.听关键词12.语言学习的秘诀13.大声重复出来14.记英语笔记15.用英语记日记16变得厌烦17.提高我的...


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